USA Election 2024

His backing out of the ABC debate is not going over well in the MAGA world, they expect him to show strength and it makes him appear weak and scared.

His backing out of the ABC debate is not going over well in the MAGA world, they expect him to show strength and it makes him appear weak and scared.

As dumb as he is, he knows it’s a lose/lose situation for him. This will be the youngest candidate he’s faced outside of a primary. She’s articulate and smart, he speaks at the level of a 4th-grader and is dumb as a bag of hammers. He can’t answer a question, stay on topic or even pretend to not be a racist. It’s always “crime, war and borders. We won’t have a country anymore.”, which is what he said last time. And the time before that. We still have a country, to his dismay.

He’s not expanding his base at all, and may be actively turning people away. He shows up to rallies with convicted felons, registered sex offenders and more. His rally in Georgia this past week was f*****g awful, and you can tell when his cult is truly into what he says vs. when they are just humoring him. Hannibal Lecter is a recurring theme at his rallies. He praises Putin and hasn’t condemned him once in 9 years. His social feed reads like that of a mentally unstable basement-dweller.

It’s a sad state of affairs we even know who this imbecile is, let alone the fact he’s a former president and the GOP candidate for the third time in a row.

Some democrats may not like how the left is using the term “weird”, but I don’t know what else to call it at this point.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Harris support has exploded even to my surprise (and delight), and the latest rumor is she’s narrowed down her pick to Walz and Shapiro, two excellent picks who are the polar opposite of Carpetbagger Vance, who may even cause Trump to admit he made a mistake, unless he blames it on Tucker Carlson and his demented and clueless son. The one who bears his father’s name and is more than living up to the reputation.
As dumb as he is, he knows it’s a lose/lose situation for him. This will be the youngest candidate he’s faced outside of a primary. She’s articulate and smart, he speaks at the level of a 4th-grader and is dumb as a bag of hammers. He can’t answer a question, stay on topic or even pretend to not be a racist. It’s always “crime, war and borders. We won’t have a country anymore.”, which is what he said last time. And the time before that. We still have a country, to his dismay.

He’s not expanding his base at all, and may be actively turning people away. He shows up to rallies with convicted felons, registered sex offenders and more. His rally in Georgia this past week was f*****g awful, and you can tell when his cult is truly into what he says vs. when they are just humoring him. Hannibal Lecter is a recurring theme at his rallies. He praises Putin and hasn’t condemned him once in 9 years. His social feed reads like that of a mentally unstable basement-dweller.

It’s a sad state of affairs we even know who this imbecile is, let alone the fact he’s a former president and the GOP candidate for the third time in a row.

Some democrats may not like how the left is using the term “weird”, but I don’t know what else to call it at this point.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Harris support has exploded even to my surprise (and delight), and the latest rumor is she’s narrowed down her pick to Walz and Shapiro, two excellent picks who are the polar opposite of Carpetbagger Vance, who may even cause Trump to admit he made a mistake, unless he blames it on Tucker Carlson and his demented and clueless son. The one who bears his father’s name and is more than living up to the reputation.

And yet the polls are still disturbingly close. I don't mean to be a storm cloud but that's the fucked up country we live in. And I can't think of anything Trump could do at this point that would make Republican or undecided voters go. "Well, THAT was just a bridge too far. I'm out." He's already done it all. On the other side there's still a lot that could go wrong for Harris, not to mention if the market and economy tanks there are no shortage knuckledraggers who are going to blame it entirely on Democrats and all who are running.

Point being, I think we need to start getting a little more grounded here.
And yet the polls are still disturbingly close. I don't mean to be a storm cloud but that's the fucked up country we live in. And I can't think of anything Trump could do at this point that would make Republican or undecided voters go. "Well, THAT was just a bridge too far. I'm out." He's already done it all. On the other side there's still a lot that could go wrong for Harris, not to mention if the market and economy tanks there are no shortage knuckledraggers who are going to blame it entirely on Democrats and all who are running.

Point being, I think we need to start getting a little more grounded here.

I’m done being “scared” of the nimrod. He will either lose or I’ll have to mentally separate myself and enjoy the shit show. He’s not my candidate, anything can happen, but I prefer some optimism even if I’m alone in said optimism. I’ll tell you this, if something goes wrong for Harris, unless we find out she’s actually Trump in a mask, I’m not going to lose my marbles and panic.

We will get the leader we deserve, so I’m either going to be happy with the outcome or endure the storm like everyone else.

It’s ok to get a little carried away if, unlike in 2016, you’re keenly aware of the possibilities.
trump golf.jpg
Tim Walz is the VP pick.

Excellent choice. He's new to me, but he's not a hard-left guy even though he's progressive. That can work both for and against him in some regards, but he's an excellent speaker and is the contrast Harris needs.

There really wasn't a bad pick. Shapiro would be accused of being a pick "just for the sake of PA" (who cares?). This avoids that, and hopefully calms some of the crazy anti-Israel lefties who are out there.

He also coined the "weird" thing, which is working - and very true.
Tim Walz is the VP pick.

Excellent choice. He's new to me, but he's not a hard-left guy even though he's progressive. That can work both for and against him in some regards, but he's an excellent speaker and is the contrast Harris needs.

There really wasn't a bad pick. Shapiro would be accused of being a pick "just for the sake of PA" (who cares?). This avoids that, and hopefully calms some of the crazy anti-Israel lefties who are out there.

He also coined the "weird" thing, which is working - and very true.
Frankly I like the guy, my first choice would've been Mark Kelly but Tim Walz seems like a very down to earth guy that either side would want to have a beer with and I think that's what is needed the most right now.

I was never a fan of Shapiro, Fetterman said he was about his own personal ambitions and I agree, just never got a good vibe from the guy.

Excuse my cynicism here, but there is no overall pattern of this supreme court “doing the right thing”. What there is a pattern of is dropping a major regressive conservative agenda bomb, getting major heat for doing so, followed by some comparatively minor decisions that follow precedent or common sense to dispel some of the heat temporarily. Rinse and repeat. Occasionally you get some descent from a conservative judge on the major decisions that can best be summarized as “I think we’re being a little blatant here."

While siding with Trump on every issue might seem to be in their interest, he is just the current tool of their greater project and it’s becoming obvious to even the court that he is quickly becoming the poison pill for that project. Even if he wins the next election there isn’t going to be anything he does off the radar. People will be sitting at home with their Project 2025 playbook going “and there it is.” They’d probably prefer to achieve their goals without turning into a literal police state even though that’s always where these things go.
Tim Walz is the VP pick.

My choices were: 1. Buttigieg, 2. Shapiro, 3. Walz.

But that's OK.

I figure any candidate and team who can pull together in just two weeks an extremely credible presidential campaign that can win has insight and knowledge far superior to mine.
My choices were: 1. Buttigieg, 2. Shapiro, 3. Walz.

But that's OK.

I figure any candidate and team who can pull together in just two weeks an extremely credible presidential campaign that can win has insight and knowledge far superior to mine.
Buttigieg could be an excellent SoS. But those dreams need to wait until after she secures the WH.
There really wasn't a bad pick. Shapiro would be accused of being a pick "just for the sake of PA" (who cares?). This avoids that, and hopefully calms some of the crazy anti-Israel lefties who are out there.

Although the extent probably fueled and exaggerated by the media, is there any other democracy on earth where level of support for a foreign country can sway votes? It’s disturbing. On the right I'm sure there's no shortage of dairy farmers who suddenly have a solid opinion on Israel because their media and religion grifter tells them they have to.

I agree with a commentator who said what’s propelling Harris right now is a hope that we can move past Trump and Biden and choosing Shapiro would be putting a divisive ugliness back center stage in the form of Israel relations even though that doesn't wholely define him.
I don't know much about Tim Walz, but I was floored to find out his only 60. He needs a better self care regiment or cut out whatever stress that is sucking the youth out of him.