USA Election 2024

The dude is like 150 years old and probably just trying to breathe without an oxygen tank. He is simply not physically up to the task and this can only get worse for him. Dems better re-think their options here.

I've closely watched, as have many others, Biden's health over the last four years (and before that when he was fit). His degradation appears to be accelerating. The next four years in office, IMO, would be very troubling for him. And the country.

Time to hand the reigns over to someone else. The best time for that would have been making an announcement last year so the DNC could plan accordingly and have some candidates and primaries this year. That door is closed, but hoping there are other mechanisms available (other than Harris stepping in).
So I guess the question of the day is:

Can they replace him? And with whom?

My choice, at this moment, would be Newsom - assuming he could slide in. IMO, Buttigieg would be a better option (intelligence, thoughtfulness, Harvard University, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, US Naval officer), but that doesn't seem likely.
The DNC basically anointed him as the nominee. Maybe had there been a real primary, things would be different.

Same thing happened in 2020 when Biden went from rock bottom to the top in a matter of days after the DNC took the rest of the candidates to the back of shed and they emerged dropping out and endorsing Biden.
I disagree. Americans can make their choice at the ballot box - nobody forced anyone to vote for Biden or Trump. Just because their respective parties push them front and center, you had other people on the ballot we could have voted for, and so did everyone else. These were the two Americans chose, and nobody forced anyone to do it. If people are only going to vote based on the spin that's being sold by political campaigns and the media, or who's most well-known and popular right now, then this is going to keep happening.
I disagree. Americans can make their choice at the ballot box - nobody forced anyone to vote for Biden or Trump. Just because their respective parties push them front and center, you had other people on the ballot we could have voted for, and so did everyone else. These were the two Americans chose, and nobody forced anyone to do it. If people are only going to vote based on the spin that's being sold by political campaigns and the media, or who's most well-known and popular right now, then this is going to keep happening.

I tried in the primaries... Sanders 2016, Buttigieg 2020.
I disagree. Americans can make their choice at the ballot box

While I agree with the concept of what you wrote, the reality is different.

The DNC did everything they could to keep other major candidates from running. No legitimate candidate wanted to cross the DNC and run.

The sooner we the people abandon these two parties, the better.
While I agree with the concept of what you wrote, the reality is different.

The DNC did everything they could to keep other major candidates from running. No legitimate candidate wanted to cross the DNC and run.

The sooner we the people abandon these two parties, the better.

There’s nothing that forced anyone at the ballot box. A discussion about the tactics of the DNC and RNC is something most Americans don’t care about. If they vote for who they’re told to, that says as much about the voting public as it does the parties. We have to start taking responsibility for the people we put in office. There were lots of candidates from both parties we heard from and could research regardless of what the party apparatus put out. This is who we chose, not the parties.
The sooner we the people abandon these two parties, the better.

For that to happen, we'll have to rethink our entire voting process. Our two party system isn't by design, rather a consequence of our winner take all approach to elections forcing all the smaller groups to meld together into what are effectively two megaparties just to stand a chance at being elected.

Personally, I'd rather we switch to a parliamentary setup.
Wonder how long before we see a shift in polls.

I will predict at this point, Biden will not be President next year.

Not saying Trump will be, but I think it’s clear Biden won’t.
For that to happen, we'll have to rethink our entire voting process.

I think it is happening. Albeit slowly.

People are registering as Independent far more than to a particular party. At some point I hope that even a small third party emerges.

Can you imagine the power a party with only a handful of members would have in a split Congress?
I didn’t have a chance to watch it all, but did catch some of it. And it was bad.

But what’s more surprising is the number of commentators calling for him to step down. I am talking committed left-leaning journalists and hosts.

Maybe someone in the campaign will make the hard decision.

And Jill talking to him at the after debate rally was even worse.
Biden could have done a lot better last night. But this isn't the end of the race. He stumbled badly last night. But there's still lots of time left for things to change. I don't understand the doom and gloom.
I don’t remember if it was during the instructions or a bit later, but Tapper told them they could use their response minute however they liked.
That was at the very first question, and yea, blame Tapper.
Well, four months is a long time. I wouldn’t be placing any bets. I still don’t think Trump is going to be president, I don’t see Americans letting him back in when they barely let him in the first time.

I’ve been listening to undecided focus groups and it really doesn’t sound like anything moved. We will have to see what the polls say, but it’s incumbent on Biden to show he’s up for the job. Last night only reinforced people’s view on his age, but I’m also hearing the same from their concerns about Trump and his lying and anti-democratic tendencies.

I have a feeling Biden was hoping Trump would make a bigger ass of himself with the rules, but he mostly behaved himself in regards to the rules, he just lied and refused to answer questions directly - which is what he always does. He probably reassured anyone who already buys into his nonsense, and he probably did enough to not turn away anyone who for whatever reason would still consider voting for him. Basically, if Trump didn’t disgust you in 2016, or 2020, or now… he handled himself well enough to not disgust you now.

It’s too late and I’m too tired to panic. Reagan had a similar issue when running for re-election and it’s his comeback people remember. The same thing happened to Fetterman, who arguably did worse than Biden in his debate against Dr. Oz.

One thing we have to keep in mind, we are not in normal times. Whether you’re like me and knew a lot of old people with slower but sharp minds, you may make a few more excuses for Biden and grant him some slack. My view is I’d rather have an aging gentlemen who can still think deeply on policy and decision making, who cares about the people, democracy and decency, and I don’t view it as a “lesser of two evils” option. I view it as this is who America chose, I’m not disgusted at all, I quite like Biden.

I was 100% for a younger candidate - specifically Mayor Pete - but that did not happen. I agree with Newsom - the time for hand-wringing is over. If Biden wins and America feels strongly that he’s unfit, he can have the respect for keeping a madman away from the White House twice, and pass the reigns.

Not saying he can’t step aside (and I’m not saying I agree he should or shouldn’t - I’m indifferent). But if they go that route, it needs to be most tactical move the DNC has made.

I also agree this was one night. It’s unfortunate it confirmed what some people think of Biden for them, but this thing ain’t over by a long shot. Everyone thought the Access Hollywood tape was Trump’s coffin nail. And that came right before the votes were cast.

Biden has immense pressure and responsibility to show to dems he’s capable and alleviate their fears like he did at the SOTU, and it needs to be more than once between now and Election Day. We shall see.