USA Election 2024

This is the face of a man who is done, whether he admits it or not.

Many of us genuinely want him to suffer. He caused stress and misery for millions of Americans and non-Americans, and the policies he supports are genuinely vile. He seems to be a sad and broken man, which could possibly earn him some small number of sympathy votes from people who feel bad about the way he has been treated. But, cruelty is not the goal, as such: he needs to be made an example of, as a deterrent to the next person who attempts to become the US Dictator.
Many of us genuinely want him to suffer. He caused stress and misery for millions of Americans and non-Americans, and the policies he supports are genuinely vile. He seems to be a sad and broken man, which could possibly earn him some small number of sympathy votes from people who feel bad about the way he has been treated. But, cruelty is not the goal, as such: he needs to be made an example of, as a deterrent to the next person who attempts to become the US Dictator.

Yep, accountability is a bitch. At any rate, I don’t see a happy end for Trump no matter what. The man obviously has deep-seated psychological issues and he is unraveling fast. I wouldn’t be surprised if he suffers a stroke before long.
Yep, accountability is a bitch. At any rate, I don’t see a happy end for Trump no matter what. The man obviously has deep-seated psychological issues and he is unraveling fast. I wouldn’t be surprised if he suffers a stroke before long.
Trump is severely unwell mentally, accentuated by his obvious mental decline. And, despite pronouncements by Ronny Candyman Jackson, I suspect Trump is at high risk for an MI or stroke. But I want him to remain in a state of health sufficient to let him be tried and convicted for his crimes and then imprisoned. I'd also like to see the same fate for the people who facilitated his coup attempts, including the fake electors and others.​
Many of us genuinely want him to suffer. He caused stress and misery for millions of Americans and non-Americans, and the policies he supports are genuinely vile. He seems to be a sad and broken man, which could possibly earn him some small number of sympathy votes from people who feel bad about the way he has been treated. But, cruelty is not the goal, as such: he needs to be made an example of, as a deterrent to the next person who attempts to become the US Dictator.
While not a fan I would rather just see him go away than suffer. Yeah, he's made his bed and will have to deal with all the consequences but no matter how it turns out I'm really just looking forward to not hearing about him ever again.
Heard an average (Trump?) voter say Harris is a joke because she only makes general statements without details. “She’s for workers and education. So I guess that means Trump isn’t?!?”. Nice one, bro.

I’m fairly dimwitted, so maybe he can breakdown the detail heavy “make America great again” or “tough on China.” Even I can thoroughly understand “We’re going to bring those jobs back!”. Except that didn’t happen. For 4 years. I guess those returning jobs must have gotten held up at the airport by deep state customs. For 4 years.

The ability of voters on the right to confidently attack Democrats for specific things their politicians are 100 times worse at is staggering. But given their "values" and "concerns" it would probably be complete crickets on their side if they had to pause for even a second to think about it before opening their mouth. So from their view it probably is best to just never think at all.
Trump calling his interview with Musk the "interview of the century" with "1.3 million views". For the record, I have several videos that have have exceeded tens of millions of views on Instagram and I'm just some guy on the internet.
Trump calling his interview with Musk the "interview of the century" with "1.3 million views". For the record, I have several videos that have have exceeded tens of millions of views on Instagram and I'm just some guy on the internet.
You aren't just "any guy" on the internet. You are the fabulous @Eric!

*You can send the $15 ego boost fee to my venmo... :)
Trump calling his interview with Musk the "interview of the century" with "1.3 million views". For the record, I have several videos that have have exceeded tens of millions of views on Instagram and I'm just some guy on the internet.

The cult is in love with this interview which, other than jabs at people on welfare, comparing Kamala to Melania and sounding like he had a mouth full of cotton, was nothing new.

Two rich white dudes joking about cutting jobs and lamenting people who don’t work, and the cult eats it up.

I’ve said it before, but it’s absolutely not hyperbolic to call it a cult.
Finally, JP Mandell gets some much needed support…

OK, two questions:
• The Secret Service would let him try to leave the country?
• Venezuela, of all places, would let him enter the country?

I’d be thrilled if the answer was “yes” to both. And if he took Musk with him as they planned, even better.
While not a fan I would rather just see him go away than suffer. Yeah, he's made his bed and will have to deal with all the consequences but no matter how it turns out I'm really just looking forward to not hearing about him ever again.
Makes me wonder what Trump's funeral will be like. Will he be wearing orange makeup when he's lying in state? Will he get all the pomp and circumstance afforded to former Presidents? How many people will show up? Will he sit up in his casket and praise the bigly crowd? Will the Proud Boys offer a 21-assault weapon salute? What if he's in prison or Venezuela when he dies?
Makes me wonder what Trump's funeral will be like. Will he be wearing orange makeup when he's lying in state? Will he get all the pomp and circumstance afforded to former Presidents? How many people will show up? Will he sit up in his casket and praise the bigly crowd? Will the Proud Boys offer a 21-assault weapon salute? What if he's in prison or Venezuela when he dies?

He should be cremated and have his ashes mixed into a bowl of chili, so MTG can live out her dream of having Trump tear her arse up.