USA Election 2024

Democrats hoped to sign up 12,000 volunteers for the DNC convention but had more than 30,000 responses, it's going to be nuts in Chicago next week.
IMO Kamala should admit to taking Trump's idea about not taxing service workers and thank him for it, it's a good idea and instead of knocking each other for stuff like this maybe both parties should embrace it so it passes the house and senate. God forbid we work together on something for the benefit of the American people.

He wants stuff like that decaled Tesla he was gifted last week to be tax free, as well as Clarence Thomas' "gifts".

Harris wants to target service workers, not bribes the Supreme Court has now made legal.

I agree, she should say "It's a good idea, I did take it, it's not a new idea, after all, and we will make it better."

RFK, Jr. reportedly wants a role in the Harris administration in exchange for endorsing the Democratic ticket. What role, I wonder? White House fool? Vaccine evangelist?

Why is this guy job shopping with both candidates? Is he running just for fun or what? He's literally shopping his endorsement around, that's borderline bribery as well.
You think they could offer her a good enough deal to take the helm of his sinking scow?
She may consider it a path to the Presidency if she figures Trump won't last four years if he wins. She could wait until the next opportunity, but that could be in eight years if Harris wins and serves two terms.
Trump: "I never got, I think, the credit that I deserved on COVID."

Mother Jones: Hold my beer...

My favorite part?
Day 92: At the daily briefing, a reporter asks the president if he thinks he downplayed the coronavirus by holding rallies in February and March. “Oh, I don’t know about rallies. I really don’t know about rallies,” he says. “I haven’t left the White House in months.”

Prior to day 92 there were 8 Rallies and he golfed 5 times. It was interesting to relive some of that crazy times, and I kept saying to myself "oh yeah... I forgot about that."
You think they could offer her a good enough deal to take the helm of his sinking scow?
She gave Trump her "strong endorsement". She presumably knows he's human garbage that will turn on her in a heartbeat but she's clearly all about the power. Replacing Vance with her makes alot of sense for the female vote, I wonder if her team is making overtures to Trump's right about now. I hope it doesn't happen.
Should be interesting. Hope Judge Merchan treats trump no differently and keeps the September sentencing date.

She gave Trump her "strong endorsement". She presumably knows he's human garbage that will turn on her in a heartbeat but she's clearly all about the power. Replacing Vance with her makes alot of sense for the female vote, I wonder if her team is making overtures to Trump's right about now. I hope it doesn't happen.
Any woman that voted for a Trump/Hailey ticket would be duped like Susan Collins belief that Kavanaugh wouldn't vote to overturn Roe. That turned out well.
Watching Kamala and Biden right now and all I can say is it's refreshing to hear her talk about what they're going to do for the people, how they're going to help. Not just a bunch of hate filled rage and revenge speech.
Biden is speaking at his first event with Harris since dropping out.

He looks more like the day he took office. Maybe the pressure being gone took off four or five years of aging. He’s a great surrogate for Harris.

“I served in the senate for 270 years”. 😂

Self-deprecating humor, something that is such a foreign concept to Trump he wouldn’t even be able to grasp the idea of it. Anyone who isn’t a cultist can go look up the actual numbers to refute 90% of what Trump said at his “economic conference”, where he literally complained about having to address the economy.

Even the stuff Trump may have a valid point on, he can’t get right. The cost of groceries and gas is what the right has been whining about the most, but everyone knows bacon isn’t $20 a pack. Trump claims we were energy dependent under him, that’s a damn lie, we finally exported more oil than we imported under Biden. Crime is down. Undocumented immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than documented immigrants, who commit crimes at lower rates than natural born citizens. On and on.

Notice how unlike the Trumpers, who have nothing good to say about Romney or McCain (which should make you think twice about their choice of candidates), democrats are appreciative of Biden. And if Harris wins, I will give him the credit for getting rid of that POS in the first place. He’s done a damn good job considering he took over when COVID was still going strong and he was the first president to not be given any support by the outgoing admin. “Promises Made, Promises Kept” would be a good slogan for the dems if Trump hadn’t ruined it.

Also, Trump is dumb as f**** if he thinks Biden is crashing the DNC to steal the nomination. Where are the calls from republicans for their mentally-shot dumbass broken record to drop out?

I admit I’m on an island, but the idea of a sane president who passes good policy and tires early in the evening vs posting insane drivel from the toilet at 2am is appealing to me, not offputting. But Harris offers the same without the age issue, so no complaints there.
Kamala should admit to taking Trump's idea about not taxing service workers
Yes, but instead of thanking him, she should point out the critical differences between their proposals. He wants to exempt all "tips", which opens the barn door for everyone to change compensations into "tips", like lawyers and stock brokers etc.
She wants to limit it to food service workers.
Trump is literally looking down and following a script with his finger during another “conference” (from his NJ mansion), and he still can’t stay on script. Same crap, not worth posting.

*Snipers and putting in the span of seconds, that was worth posting. I stand corrected. Staged questions as well, what a joke.

“You’ve spoken passionately about god, tell us about the assassination?”

“What will you do to make groceries affordable again?”
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“Walz said at a Boston fundraiser Wednesday that “I feel like one of my roles in this now is to be the anti-Tommy Tuberville, to show that football coaches are not the dumbest people.”


“Walz said at a Boston fundraiser Wednesday that “I feel like one of my roles in this now is to be the anti-Tommy Tuberville, to show that football coaches are not the dumbest people.”


What’s sad isn’t so much that there are grifters and carpetbaggers out there, or that there are people who fall prey to them - it’s that there are people dumb enough to fall for it from people like Trump and Tuberville. Other than maybe Boebert or MTG, Trump and Tuberville are easily the two dumbest politicians I’ve seen in my lifetime. Not exaggerating. Before the other three came along, I honestly thought Trump was the dumbest of any public figure I had ever seen. Literally, some of the 90’s and early 00’s Howard Stern misfits (Wack Pack) are the only ones who can I think of who might compare, but they had their own charm. Beetlejuice was legit tougher and smarter.

It’s mind-blowing in the worst way possible.