USA Election 2024

What’s sad isn’t so much that there are grifters and carpetbaggers out there, or that there are people who fall prey to them - it’s that there are people dumb enough to fall for it from people like Trump and Tuberville. Other than maybe Boebert or MTG, Trump and Tuberville are easily the two dumbest politicians I’ve seen in my lifetime. Not exaggerating. Before the other three came along, I honestly thought Trump was the dumbest of any public figure I had ever seen. Literally, some of the 90’s and early 00’s Howard Stern misfits (Wack Pack) are the only ones who can I think of who might compare, but they had their own charm. Beetlejuice was legit tougher and smarter.

It’s mind-blowing in the worst way possible.
Yeah I have to admit … one of the most insulting things about this whole situation, how American Democracy is under threat from these assholes, is how pathetic they are. In most respects these are deeply stupid people and very clearly so. And not just stupid but infantile, but then I keep returning to what does that say about us? This is the caliber of fascist who can come this close to bringing down American democracy? This? Really? WTF is wrong with us?
LOL the Kamala campaign keeps sticking it to him in the best ways.

These nonsensical and repetitive “press conferences” are giving him nothing but bad press outside of the conservative bubble and while the right may be pressing Harris to talk to the press, she will be doing that when she catches a break from outshining Trump and erasing his lead. She does need to do so, but lost on the right is that simply showing up and spewing the same hits and incessant lying with no real-time pushback is a big waste of time.

The only reason I don’t call them useless is because it’s hurting him.
What’s sad isn’t so much that there are grifters and carpetbaggers out there, or that there are people who fall prey to them - it’s that there are people dumb enough to fall for it from people like Trump and Tuberville. Other than maybe Boebert or MTG, Trump and Tuberville are easily the two dumbest politicians I’ve seen in my lifetime. Not exaggerating. Before the other three came along, I honestly thought Trump was the dumbest of any public figure I had ever seen. Literally, some of the 90’s and early 00’s Howard Stern misfits (Wack Pack) are the only ones who can I think of who might compare, but they had their own charm. Beetlejuice was legit tougher and smarter.

It’s mind-blowing in the worst way possible.

It's almost unsettling hearing a Democrat go for the deep cut insults. We expect that from Republicans because that's their entire platform, but they're not even funny.

"Hey, check out open borders guy over there. That's what I call him, open borders guy. You know why I call him that? Because he wants open borders. Yup. Open borders guy. You like that? Open borders guy."

Then you have his supporters in the crowd hyperventilating with laughter. "Man, I understood every word he said there! That's what makes him great!"
These nonsensical and repetitive “press conferences” are giving him nothing but bad press outside of the conservative bubble and while the right may be pressing Harris to talk to the press, she will be doing that when she catches a break from outshining Trump and erasing his lead. She does need to do so, but lost on the right is that simply showing up and spewing the same hits and incessant lying with no real-time pushback is a big waste of time.

The only reason I don’t call them useless is because it’s hurting him.
He's definitely on his heels for a change and embarrassing himself during each one of these pressers he's doing, Democrats are welcoming it I'm sure.
Meanwhile, every time Trump or one of his cronies takes the words tossed at him by intelligent people and just parrots it back (I’m not weird, she’s weird), I get this video running in my head of PeeWee Herman saying “I know you are but what am I.”
JD Vance’s sudden intensifying of his “pro-kid” schtick is undercut by republicans at the federal and state levels always noting down any measure that would help single or working parents. How many of them back paid leave when you have a kid? Free school lunches? Etc?

Very few. Pious and empty preaching is what this is. Vance has no policy discussions on these issues beyond “abortion should be outlawed” and “the left hates kids”.

He said abortion hurts business (agreeing with something Stacy Abrams said) because they view workers having kids as a liability. What’s he doing to fix that? Not a damn thing.
After boasting about how Trump is leading in the polls for the last year, Fox News is suddenly concerned about polls.

Polling guru cautions public against over relying on polls: In last two elections, 'they underestimated Trump​

After boasting about how Trump is leading in the polls for the last year, Fox News is suddenly concerned about polls.

I laugh but I’ve often been in disbelief over polls. Anything showing Trump could be elected again blows me away, even though it’s actually happened before.
Yeah, Rush Limbaugh deserved more credit than anyone who suffered, sacrificed or died for our country or committed an act of heroism in conflict.

This is more projection, he’s never broken a nail so can’t suffer through letting someone else have any credit for something he never could or would do.

Trump is in the middle of a public therapy tour. When’s his next single-issue “press conference” where he will rant about everything he already has except for the single issue he’s supposed to be discussing?

How long did he speak about groceries yesterday when he had tables of them on display behind him?
Apologies if this was posted already:

This should be thrown in the face of any Trump supporter who served in the military, is serving, or claims to support the military.

That should be placed in context. He awarded the medal to Miriam Adelson. She did not do something lame to earn it, like getting shot at in defense of America, no she did something much nobler than that: she gave the Screaming ShitGibbon money.

(one might say that she bought the medal – but only a crass person would say that, and we are not crass)
kick back

Look, two adults having a mature conversation. What would the Trump / Vance version be? I presume Trump ultimately takes over the dialogue with endless grievances, with the only question he’d actually ask Vance is “What do you think is great about me?”
Look, two adults having a mature conversation. What would the Trump / Vance version be? I presume Trump ultimately takes over the dialogue with endless grievances, with the only question he’d actually ask Vance is “What do you think is great about me?”
We're in desperate need of some humanity in our politics.
CouchFucker talks about post-menopausal women and how they are great for saving money on daycare when mom has to go to work.

(He also uses the term "neoliberal" without comprehending that he is using it to insult himself.)

I think he needs one of these
They’re not pro-life. You know what they are? They’re anti-woman. Simple as it gets, anti-woman. They don’t like them. They don’t like women. They believe a woman’s primary role is to function as a brood mare for the state.

George Carlin