USA Election 2024

James Carville - “I think what it boils down to is the democrats have two really classy candidates, and the republicans have two really trashy candidates.”

Best summation of this election I’ve heard yet. Good tagline too - “Class or Trash”?

JD Vance is boring as shit and lies too damn much, and his obsession with women birthing kids is offputting. They vote down assistance, Trump didn’t even acknowledge the question of childcare three different times during the Biden debate, they condemn you if you need government assistance and tell you to keep your legs closed, then they call you cat ladies and more likely to be psychotic if you do. JD Vance knows Trump is as big a dumb-f**k as anyone posting here, and that makes him even worse, Trump is probably severely developmentally damaged, this guy is just a dishonest grifter.

He should have kept making his money in the private sector, he’s not cut out for prime time and it’s no wonder he’s the most disliked VP candidate in decades. He’s not satisfied writing about anti-women white grievance, he has to carpetbag a senate seat and legislate that way too. /endrant

About that :ROFLMAO: Kamala isn't playing anyone's games.

Explains a lot… keep in mind, this is not parody or satire…

In an interview with the New Yorker, Kennedy speculated that sticking his hand in the bear's mouth may be how he got his brain worm.
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It's being reported that there is a battle being waged over control of MAGA. On one side you have the white supremacists and on the other you have the techno fascists like Musk and Thiel.

I hate to give white supremacists the high ground on anything, but there's a good chance many of them are suffering economically and socially and are looking for a reason for that, choosing the most lazy and ignorant reason possible. The techno fascists are just assholes bored with the fact that literally everything is well within their economic means, the loudest advertisement for why billionaires should not be allowed to exist. Also, they just happen to be white supremacists too.

But this battle is more than likely entirely one sided. The white supremacists are mad that the techno fascists aren't laser focused on the white supremacy agenda and instead just make it a minor propaganda tool towards their goal of complete subservience of the global population to the wealthy. The techno fascists just see the white supremacists as dispensable ants because that's how they see 99% of the global population. To them they could win this battle with a fly swatter or just ignore them completely and allow them to punch themselves out.

Trump has clearly sided with the techno fascists because he loves that shit and it allows him to put some mental distance between himself and his base that he sees as white trash, another reason the white supremacists are mad. But like with all cults, this still doesn't cause his supporters to see him for who he truly is. They just think he's been temporarily corrupted by outside influences.

Regardless, none of this is good news for Trump. We're also witnessing narcissist collapse as Trump goes deeper and deeper into bizarre fantasy world and odd fixations. All that's missing is a bunker he can "retire" in.
It's being reported that there is a battle being waged over control of MAGA. On one side you have the white supremacists and on the other you have the techno fascists like Musk and Thiel.

I hate to give white supremacists the high ground on anything, but there's a good chance many of them are suffering economically and socially and are looking for a reason for that, choosing the most lazy and ignorant reason possible. The techno fascists are just assholes bored with the fact that literally everything is well within their economic means, the loudest advertisement for why billionaires should not be allowed to exist. Also, they just happen to be white supremacists too.

But this battle is more than likely entirely one sided. The white supremacists are mad that the techno fascists aren't laser focused on the white supremacy agenda and instead just make it a minor propaganda tool towards their goal of complete subservience of the global population to the wealthy. The techno fascists just see the white supremacists as dispensable ants because that's how they see 99% of the global population. To them they could win this battle with a fly swatter or just ignore them completely and allow them to punch themselves out.

Trump has clearly sided with the techno fascists because he loves that shit and it allows him to put some mental distance between himself and his base that he sees as white trash, another reason the white supremacists are mad. But like with all cults, this still doesn't cause his supporters to see him for who he truly is. They just think he's been temporarily corrupted by outside influences.

Regardless, none of this is good news for Trump. We're also witnessing narcissist collapse as Trump goes deeper and deeper into bizarre fantasy world and odd fixations. All that's missing is a bunker he can "retire" in.
Splintering is good for Democrats, who have really pulled their shit together getting behind Kamala. I think the biggest reason Trump sides with techno fascists is because they have the money, no way your average run of the mill white supremacist is dumping millions into Trump's campaign, shit Musk even got him to endorse electric cars.
Mark Robinson may cost Trump North Carolina. Well, Trump endorsed him, so I will blame both of them.

Trump only narrowly won NC over Biden.

In other news, Biden may still be running if this version of him showed up for the debate …His COVID is gone and maybe some relief has sunk in. I’m sure he’s disappointed but maybe he’ll have a sigh of relief when it’s done.

Joe, how about taking a long deserved retirement. You’ve done your part.
Joe, how about taking a long deserved retirement. You’ve done your part.

I want him to finish his term - imagine how insane the right will be if Harris assumes office before inauguration.

Boooom, that is gonna fuckin hurt and, as a vet myself, I could not agree more.

The MAGA base will now start trashing the VFW and all non-MAGA vets.
trump's comment really pissed me off. What a sack of shit he is.
It's bad enough he said what he said but he was just so dismissive and flippant about those who had lost their lives, I'm just a civilian and found it incredibly insulting, you can imagine how it must make a real vet feel. What a total asshole.
He thought he was in North Carolina, ranted about TiVo like it’s 2004, spoke about Kamala’s laugh, claims that her advantage is that she’s “a beautiful woman” but that he looks better than her, and you could tell the crowd was dead in many spots, which is probably why seats emptied out. Same deranged garbage.
Splintering is good for Democrats, who have really pulled their shit together getting behind Kamala. I think the biggest reason Trump sides with techno fascists is because they have the money, no way your average run of the mill white supremacist is dumping millions into Trump's campaign, shit Musk even got him to endorse electric cars.

Probably the thing that irks me the most from brainless cultists to "too busy to pay attention" supporters is "as a successful business man....." defenses. Looking at his lifetime record in general and specifically in New York he's an absolute business failure and joke. His empire is propped up by fucking people over including members of his own family. Actually fucking members of his family over is the only reason he's remained afloat.

For awhile I accepted "too busy working hard and living their lives to pay attention" as a valid excuse for why people continue to support Trump. But at this point, fuck that. This doesn't take some deep research dive or degree to connect the dots on how Trump doesn't give a fuck about them. In less than 5 minutes you can lay out the indisputable proof. Just last week in his circle jerk with Musk on X they were both giggling about shit canning employees if they threatened to organize or strike.
Youtube yesterday recommended a short to me where a woman explained three tell-tale signs that someone has psychopathy:
1. They cheat very frequently.
(Trump cheated on his wives, at golf, and on his taxes.)
2. They think they are better than other people, nothing is their fault and everyone else is incompetent.
(Trump thinks he‘s a genius, has the biggest crowds, makes perfect phone calls, and thought that he knows more about the military tactics than his generals.)
3. They claim everyone else is doing what they are doing.
(Trump is always projecting like hell.)

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, maybe it‘s just a duck.
He’s a deranged mental-midget, and I have no qualms calling him that. It’s borderline me being nice, he’d definitely get labeled a f*ckt**** a few years ago.

The mainstream press is far kinder to him than Fox and the cult news networks are to basic facts and truth.

JD Vance needs an interview with pushback, when confronted with the garbage he’s said in the past, he deflects to the liberals or accuses the press of taking it out of context. I’d read back a few paragraphs, and if the words out of his mouth were “what I was trying to say was”, I’d interject and say “then you should have said that. Maybe if someone calls you a weirdo, what THEY are trying to say is you have these views and in one instance double-down, then in another imply you meant something else, and usually follow it up with something that is nothing like what you originally said. The you go back out and double-down on the original point. So which version of these comments are you going with today?”
Could file this under a couple of different threads, but Carole Cadwalladr who broke the Cambridge Analytica scandal arguing not only have tech companies removed whatever scant safety protections (with the aid of House Republicans) they once had but that of course we have Elon Musk now working to actively undermine Democracy:

This summer we have witnessed something new and unprecedented. The billionaire owner of a tech platform publicly confronting an elected leader and using his platform to undermine his authority and incite violence. Britain’s 2024 summer riots were Elon Musk’s trial balloon.

He got away with it. And if you’re not terrified by both the extraordinary supranational power of that and the potential consequences, you should be. If Musk chooses to “predict” a civil war in the States, what will that look like?

For a brief minute after 2016, there was an attempt to understand how these tech platforms had been used to spread lies and falsehoods – or mis- and disinformation […] But that moment has passed. A years-long effort by Republican operatives to politicise the entire subject of “misinformation” has won.