USA Election 2024

Basically some of West’s supporters who were helping have backed out now that Harris is the nominee, but Republicans are scrambling to get West on the ballot in Arizona [and in multiple states] to try to serve as a spoiler. West knows this, knows why they are doing it, and “is fine with that”.
Not sure how much endorsements mean today. Even a couple of large newspapers have stopped doing them for some races.

Also, he is a retired federal judge, so his pension is basically set in stone and I would guess he has some assets as well. So the economy doesn't really affect him like it does others who are struggling.
Basically agree with your points, but I was more interested in the question if at some point, the problems I have with T beyond his (2025) agenda, on a personality and ethical level, as Luttig articulates them, trump (sorry) your policy preferences.
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I'm not sure if this message from John Goodman will help much:

Someone should bring an airhorn to the senate floor, set it off, and see if Hawley leapfrogs his seat and takes off running out of the senate chamber. A really smug pretty boy who had the nerve to write a book about manhood. He looks more like someone who write a book about being a male Justin Bieber fan over 40.
Respect 🫡

It’s interesting how AOC has evolved to keep her progressive bona fides while being accepted by mainstream Democrats. I think there are a couple of reasons for that. She’s matured to realize getting things done involves compromise. Also when the Democrats go “Let’s compromise and get some legislation done” when they look to the right side of the isle they see the Republicans shitting in their hand and then rubbing it on themselves and each other. Then they go “Alrighty then. Who on our side wants to compromise to get things done?”

This has to be the best one yet

ShitGibbon complains

“You know, they do polls on this stuff, and I’m at like 93%,” (Individual-ONE) said, referring to surveys that apparently exist in his imagination. “I said, ‘So why are we having an election? They didn’t have an election. Why are we having an election?’”

It seems they told him the fix was in, so he is having a hard time understanding why he has to perform.

This has to be the best one yet

ShitGibbon complains

“You know, they do polls on this stuff, and I’m at like 93%,” (Individual-ONE) said, referring to surveys that apparently exist in his imagination. “I said, ‘So why are we having an election? They didn’t have an election. Why are we having an election?’”

It seems they told him the fix was in, so he is having a hard time understanding why he has to perform.
Those are Putin or Kin Jong (insert latest heir) self-professed numbers. Dictators, and made up. He's losing his mind right now.
This is well written. Especially the part at the end.

But it’s not that Walz is masculine and that Vance is an awkward pathetic dweeb (though he is). It’s that the lies that Republicans like Trump weaponized about what makes American men men have never been true. And flooding the internet with Red Pill theory videos and spree shooter memes for a decade wasn’t enough to convince everyone it was. … Life is not a battle between the virgin and the chad. It’s a battle between people who are confident in who they are and those who aren’t. And Republicans are quickly realizing they spent the last three election cycles building a political bloc of loud horrible millennial men who are pathologically incapable of ever being comfortable with themselves and now everyone knows it.

The Democrats have to push a theme of affirmation: whosoever you are, it is ok to be you – yes, have have some weird friends, and as much as I treasure them, I sure as hell do not want them running the country.
This is well written. Especially the part at the end.

But it’s not that Walz is masculine and that Vance is an awkward pathetic dweeb (though he is). It’s that the lies that Republicans like Trump weaponized about what makes American men men have never been true. And flooding the internet with Red Pill theory videos and spree shooter memes for a decade wasn’t enough to convince everyone it was. … Life is not a battle between the virgin and the chad. It’s a battle between people who are confident in who they are and those who aren’t. And Republicans are quickly realizing they spent the last three election cycles building a political bloc of loud horrible millennial men who are pathologically incapable of ever being comfortable with themselves and now everyone knows it.

The Democrats have to push a theme of affirmation: whosoever you are, it is ok to be you – yes, have have some weird friends, and as much as I treasure them, I sure as hell do not want them running the country.

Before Trump I believed there was an element on the right who felt they followed all the rules but are still miserable and resent anybody who is or attempts to be happy living outside those rules. They want everybody at minimum to share their misery. Then Trump came along and sold misery without any effort. I somewhat have to agree, if you’re going to be miserable regardless you might as well do it with the least amount of effort.
It’s interesting how AOC has evolved to keep her progressive bona fides while being accepted by mainstream Democrats. I think there are a couple of reasons for that. She’s matured to realize getting things done involves compromise. Also when the Democrats go “Let’s compromise and get some legislation done” when they look to the right side of the isle they see the Republicans shitting in their hand and then rubbing it on themselves and each other. Then they go “Alrighty then. Who on our side wants to compromise to get things done?”

She’s not also a lunatic like the other side. I haven’t seen an MTG/AOC comparison in a long time, that used to grind my gears.