USA Election 2024

Reminds me of the oldie but goodie "Everyone talks about the elegance of Fred Astaire's dancing, but Ginger Rogers did all those moves backwards and in heels!

I was led to what appears to be the origin of that,

which kind of surpised me. It seems to be from 1982.
I don't either, but I think they do work for down-ballot positions like school boards and such. When it comes time to vote, I doubt if many people spend time looking into the candidates' histories or positions, so they're more likely to choose a name they've seen before.

I can see it for down ballot races or fairly unknowns, but for something like President or well known firebrand candidates you’re just asking for a confrontation or maybe property damage that wouldn’t have happened if the sign wasn’t put up. I fail to see how a sign is worth that. But there are assholes who crave conflict. So maybe it is for them.
I’ve never put political or candidate signs in my front yard, not sure what the point is and at this point in history you’re just asking for trouble.
True that the current times you are asking for trouble, but also with the current times if you are seeking trouble you are likely being recorded on a doorbell camera or by some other means.
As a person who had never been through it, this makes perfect sense.

But come on, if you had been through the process, I think you would have a much better handle on what was what.
Really you think so? I think people tend use the layman's terms that they are not familiar with a phrase that they have heard or think they know what it is. For instance, today I had an appointment with and ENT specialist to have my nerves controlling the vocal cords checked out for an upcoming surgery. I put down for the reason for my visit, "To check the nerves controlling my voice box are not asymptomatically damaged." Kinda got lectured that it's a larynx.

Also with medical procedures, I am sure that memory tends to fade the exact terms of the process. Again, I am having surgery similar to one I had in 2007, and I cannot remember the exact location on my neck when I had it, or which side they went in. My scar has faded to the point that I spent 10 minutes staring at my neck in a mirror to see which side it was on, and then gave up and went to my online medical chart.

Trump is being accused of trying to scuttle an Israel-Hamas cease fire and hostage deal. Raw story is incorrect in saying both the New Republic and PBS are saying Trump urged Netanyahu to block further peace negotiations as a cease fire would help Harris. The New Republic is quoting PBS. Judy Woodruff on PBS meanwhile said it during her broadcast but no one from PBS has written it up.

So the reporting on the exact content of their conversations appears shaky to me.

But what is less shaky is that Netanyahu and Trump have talked (though both deny the calls) and that Trump absolutely would do this. Never mind all the 2016 shit with Russia, just recently he was openly gloating about being able to get Evan Gershkovich back - of course we know that Biden got him back.

This kind of interference has been done by Republican candidates for President before: Reagan has been accused of it with Iran during the 1980 hostage crises, but much more concretely and seriously Nixon absolutely did it with the South Vietnamese and successfully scuttled peace in negotiations in 1968 leading to 4 more years of American involvement and all the death and destruction that entailed (not everyone agrees that the peace process would’ve succeeded then, but it might’ve).

If true, Trump has committed a major violation of the Logan Act whose cost can be measured in lost lives. The reason Nixon was not charged was that it was deemed difficult to prosecute a presidential candidate during election year without seemingly making the Justice department “political” and because at the time they only suspected but did not know Nixon had ordered it requiring an investigation that again could “politicize” the Justice department while potentially revealing the extent of our own spying that caught up allies and American citizens. Obviously since Trump is already being prosecuted for his actions and hopefully we’ve learned the cost of non-action, this time will be different if he has indeed done this. Again, this is not known at this point but should be thoroughly investigated.
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Trump is being accused of trying to scuttle an Israel-Hamas cease fire and hostage deal. Raw story is incorrect in saying both the New Republic and PBS are saying Trump urged Netanyahu to block further peace negotiations as a cease fire would help Harris. The New Republic is quoting PBS. Judy Woodruff on PBS meanwhile said it during her broadcast but no one from PBS has written it up.

So the reporting on the exact content of their conversations appears shaky to me.

But what is less shaky is that Netanyahu and Trump have talked (though both deny the calls) and that Trump absolutely would do this. Never mind all the 2016 shit with Russia, just recently he was openly gloating about being able to get Evan Gershkovich back - of course we know that Biden got him back.

This kind of interference has been done by Republican candidates for President before: Reagan has been accused of it with Iran during the 1980 hostage crises, but much more concretely and seriously Nixon absolutely did it with the South Vietnamese and successfully scuttled peace in negotiations in 1968 leading to 4 more years of American involvement and all the death and destruction that entailed.

If true, Trump has committed a major violation of the Logan Act whose cost can be measured in lost lives. The reason Nixon was not charged was that it was deemed difficult to prosecute a presidential candidate during election year without seemingly making the Justice department “political” and because at the time they only suspected but did not know Nixon had ordered it requiring an investigation that again could “politicize” the Justice department. Obviously since Trump is already being prosecuted for his actions this and hopefully we’ve learned the cost of non-action, this time will be different if he has indeed done this.
Yeah I read that as well this morning, but I definitely don't see a lot of credible sourcing on it. I believe that Trump has or would do this without batting an eye, because we all know what he is. More of a reason to vote blue, because if he gets in you know damn well he'll pardon himself first and then brag about it.
Yeah I read that as well this morning, but I definitely don't see a lot of credible sourcing on it. I believe that Trump has or would do this without batting an eye, because we all know what he is. More of a reason to vote blue, because if he gets in you know damn well he'll pardon himself first and then brag about it.
Aye I’ve been sitting on posting this for a couple of days waiting to see if further progress was made, but it’ll probably take a full investigation to get the story. Probably a criminal investigation which should absolutely happen if there are grounds to do so.
Really you think so? I think people tend use the layman's terms that they are not familiar with a phrase that they have heard or think they know what it is. For instance, today I had an appointment with and ENT specialist to have my nerves controlling the vocal cords checked out for an upcoming surgery. I put down for the reason for my visit, "To check the nerves controlling my voice box are not asymptomatically damaged." Kinda got lectured that it's a larynx.

Also with medical procedures, I am sure that memory tends to fade the exact terms of the process. Again, I am having surgery similar to one I had in 2007, and I cannot remember the exact location on my neck when I had it, or which side they went in. My scar has faded to the point that I spent 10 minutes staring at my neck in a mirror to see which side it was on, and then gave up and went to my online medical chart.
You should have said it's your larnyx and see how they responded. :)

Trump is being accused of trying to scuttle an Israel-Hamas cease fire and hostage deal. Raw story is incorrect in saying both the New Republic and PBS are saying Trump urged Netanyahu to block further peace negotiations as a cease fire would help Harris. The New Republic is quoting PBS. Judy Woodruff on PBS meanwhile said it during her broadcast but no one from PBS has written it up.

So the reporting on the exact content of their conversations appears shaky to me.

But what is less shaky is that Netanyahu and Trump have talked (though both deny the calls) and that Trump absolutely would do this. Never mind all the 2016 shit with Russia, just recently he was openly gloating about being able to get Evan Gershkovich back - of course we know that Biden got him back.

This kind of interference has been done by Republican candidates for President before: Reagan has been accused of it with Iran during the 1980 hostage crises, but much more concretely and seriously Nixon absolutely did it with the South Vietnamese and successfully scuttled peace in negotiations in 1968 leading to 4 more years of American involvement and all the death and destruction that entailed.

If true, Trump has committed a major violation of the Logan Act whose cost can be measured in lost lives. The reason Nixon was not charged was that it was deemed difficult to prosecute a presidential candidate during election year without seemingly making the Justice department “political” and because at the time they only suspected but did not know Nixon had ordered it requiring an investigation that again could “politicize” the Justice department while potentially revealing the extent of our own spying that caught up allies and American citizens. Obviously since Trump is already being prosecuted for his actions and hopefully we’ve learned the cost of non-action, this time will be different if he has indeed done this. Again, this is not known at this point but should be thoroughly investigated.
NPR's Judy Woodruff has retracted her story, which was based on other sources. But we all know Trump would do something like this, and probably has in meetings with other leaders at MAL. Just one of many things Trump should be prosecuted for if there is sufficient evidence, another big one being his $10 million gift from Egypt in 2016.
NPR's Judy Woodruff has retracted her story, which was based on other sources. But we all know Trump would do something like this, and probably has in meetings with other leaders at MAL. Just one of many things Trump should be prosecuted for if there is sufficient evidence, another big one being his $10 million gift from Egypt in 2016.
Good to know, thanks!

I see the retraction now. Unfortunately I searched last night for such a clarification, either pro or con, and didn’t do it again before posting here (as I did recheck raw story and the new republic to see if they had updated this morning and they had not):


It happens but still a bad mistake from a veteran reporter/news team - because it’s not just that he had these conversations but specifically that he had urged Netanyahu to scuttle a peace deal. The contents of those calls though are still relevant. As while we don’t know for certain that he is doing this, we know he would. Given the information that’s out there to me is grounds at least for reporters to investigate another “perfect phone call” further.

In addition to Egypt, ties to the Saudis also need to be investigated. Being out in the open doesn’t make them less a quid pro quo.
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Triggering the "anti-woke brigade" just wastes everyone's energy and sucks the energy out of the room anyhow, so it would definitely be a mistake to push it. Instead, Harris is talking policy and vision, Walz can have a bit of fun with it while playing a little "bad cop" to Harris' "good cop", and we get what feels like a much more normal (and well run) campaign.
To be fair, anything that promotes equality triggers the anti-woke brigade and without a hint of irony they themselves will become outraged and blissfully ignorant to their own hypocrisy. I agree about the messaging here but we can't worry about offending these snowflakes.
Wow, this is a powerful message.

Donald Trump's press aide displaying a Jan 6th text from Melania Trump on a jumbotron.

As a person who had never been through it, this makes perfect sense.

But come on, if you had been through the process, I think you would have a much better handle on what was what.

Anything to make a lame attack seem less lame. 😂

I mean seriously dude, it’s not like the religious right who are coming after IVF are singularly focused on one particular method of non old-fashioned baby making. IVF, test tube, whatever you call it - is this the right’s method for painting Walz out to be a liar?

And if this aggravates you, you ought to hear some of the lies Trump tells.
As a person who had never been through it, this makes perfect sense.

But come on, if you had been through the process, I think you would have a much better handle on what was what.
I'm pretty sure Gov. Walz knew what procedure was done at the time, IUI being a step below IVF because it doesn't require ovum (egg) harvesting, fertilization with sperm, and implantation. So it seems he was using a general term that most people would understand. Regardless, even if Walz mischaracterized the procedure, for Vantz to attack him as a liar while conveniently disregarding his running mate's thousands of substantial falsehoods shows how little the Republicans have. And press people like Jake Tapper who knocked Walz for this can go inseminate themselves because he was one of the moderators who didn't call Trump out for lying repeatedly during the first debate.
What a whiner. Dead crowd.

“I try to be nice to people but it’s tough when they get personal”.

He also said people who use the words “resolute desk” are copying him.

Absolutely UNBELIEVABLE this guy is running for anything, let alone that he’s the republican nominee for president. Doesn’t even seem real.

I mean seriously dude, it’s not like the religious right who are coming after IVF are singularly focused on one particular method of non old-fashioned baby making. IVF, test tube, whatever you call it - is this the right’s method for painting Walz out to be a liar?

If he had said he went through IUI with his wife, he would have lost a vast majority of the audience (including me) and the message would have been lost. It also isn't the right time to say IUI, then go into a 5-minute explanation of the differences. I think "IVF" was the right term to use even if not 100% accurate.

If that's the thing they want to attack, more power to them. They did well with Hillary and the emails. But now it's 8 years later and the best they seem to be able to do is akin to chucking jellybeans at an aircraft carrier. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to watch. It's especially amusing watching them attempt to convince everyone that the carrier is now taking on water and its demise is another jellybean or two away. But I don't think anyone outside their bubble is really buying it. It truly is weird.

One campaign seems to be intent on winning the race. The other campaign seems to be intent on making the other person fall and break their leg.

For the next idiot who claims that Trump was personally tough on Putin. Although you know MCMASTER COULD’VE SAID THIS EARLIER INSTEAD OF SAVING IT FOR THE BOOK.

McMaster insists he remained apolitical during his service, looking out only for the interests of the US, and wrote the book to “get past the hyper-partisanship and explain what really happened”.
He recalls how family members joined him in his office on his last day in April 2018, and the then vice-president, Mike Pence, came by to ask them all to step briefly into the Oval Office.

“Trump was gracious,” McMaster writes.

“[He] pointed his finger at my four nieces and nephews: ‘Your uncle is a great guy, very tough, and he did a fantastic job for me. Make sure he only writes nice things about me.’”

Very fucking gracious

McMaster was so “non-political” he saved his criticism for his tell all book for everyone to buy:

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Tim Walz was born for this.

He’s got a genuine family too, unlike the cross-eyed handshake business setup of the Trump “family”.

Oprah was great as well.

I’m trying to be objective when I say Vance was really not a good choice.