USA Election 2024

Yeah, he’s going to be throwing and posting simultaneously. He’s got nothing better to do than watch Kamala? I follow the nimrod and I couldn’t even be bothered to watch his speech at the RNC. I doubt Kamala did, just the staffers who had the unfortunate task of doing so. This guy will be live-tweeting or whatever the hell. The same thing I’m doing now. I like being able to relate to a candidate, but not like this.

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"I hope everybody will be following along on TRUTH, tonight!"

So sorry to disappoint the missing Orange M&M. That's going to be everyone - 1. I've destroyed his hopes before he even got started. Oops.
I’m reading it so you don’t have to. WTF is this randomness? 😂

I swear, in another universe, Trump could be the most universally liked guy ever if he was stupid but affable.

Good speech. This was a hell of a DNC, makes the RNC feel like a drab funeral.

Now, we will see if the momentum carries over in a little over two months. Biden didn’t have this kind of momentum or enthusiasm, and still won. When Trump last ran, January 6 hadn’t happened. The indictments had yet to happen. The convictions hadn’t happened. It’s hard for me to see him winning in that regard. Yes, he can win. But I don’t see it.

But, we are generally lazy and stupid so anything is possible, depends on who turns out and who stays home. I hope it’s Harris in a landslide, Trump will claim he won no matter the margins so may as well make his lie that much harder to justify.
Good speech. This was a hell of a DNC, makes the RNC feel like a drab funeral.

Now, we will see if the momentum carries over in a little over two months. Biden didn’t have this kind of momentum or enthusiasm, and still won. When Trump last ran, January 6 hadn’t happened. The indictments had yet to happen. The convictions hadn’t happened. It’s hard for me to see him winning in that regard. Yes, he can win. But I don’t see it.

But, we are generally lazy and stupid so anything is possible, depends on who turns out and who stays home. I hope it’s Harris in a landslide, Trump will claim he won no matter the margins so may as well make his lie that much harder to justify.

I'm feeling optimistic. There's a ton of energy behind Harris and Walz right now. Just gotta keep it going.

Speaking of trump... wasn't Judge Merchan supposed to sentence him a couple weeks ago?
Good speech. This was a hell of a DNC, makes the RNC feel like a drab funeral.

Now, we will see if the momentum carries over in a little over two months. Biden didn’t have this kind of momentum or enthusiasm, and still won. When Trump last ran, January 6 hadn’t happened. The indictments had yet to happen. The convictions hadn’t happened. It’s hard for me to see him winning in that regard. Yes, he can win. But I don’t see it.

But, we are generally lazy and stupid so anything is possible, depends on who turns out and who stays home. I hope it’s Harris in a landslide, Trump will claim he won no matter the margins so may as well make his lie that much harder to justify.
Harris’ speech was excellent. She looked and sounded like a president, and she drew a sharp contrast between her vision and what Trump is offering.

This should be an epic landslide, but it won’t be easy, and a lot can happen between now and election day. Still, I’m optimistic about the Harris-Walz ticket’s chances.

Assuming Trump shows up, the debate on September 10 will give Harris an opportunity to hammer nails in Trump’s coffin, prosecutor to criminal. And if the VP candidates’ debates happen, Walz can show how far Vantz is from the mainstream.
Trump will claim he won no matter the margins so may as well make his lie that much harder to justify.

When I wrestled in high school I lost a match on a bad call. I complained to my coach and he said "you should have been far enough ahead that it didn't matter". And he was right. He was a hard-ass, but I probably learned more life lessons from him than anyone else in my life.

She seems to be crushing it, but I'm still voting. Why make it close when it doesn't need to be? Be far enough ahead that if some election workers pull some shenanigans, one state can't hold things up.
The look on their faces say it all. These are sane human beings and they are thinking what we all are thinking, they just get paid a lot to pretend otherwise, but even they can’t hide the fact they’re interviewing an inept lunatic. No need to watch, just scrub to the second half at any point and look at their face.

Well I am an idiot. I should know better than to trust anything TMZ, lol. But they’re are many other outlets that also thought it might be Beyoncé. I’ll be under my usual large boulder.
Well I am an idiot. I should know better than to trust anything TMZ, lol. But they’re are many other outlets that also thought it might be Beyoncé. I’ll be under my usual large boulder.
Usually TMZ is a pretty reliable source, I'm surprised they missed the boat on this one. 🤷‍♂️
Well I am an idiot. I should know better than to trust anything TMZ, lol. But they’re are many other outlets that also thought it might be Beyoncé. I’ll be under my usual large boulder.

It wasn't unrealistic, she's done many of these things before.

I'm a Stevie Wonder guy myself, so seeing him was my personal highlight outside of the speeches. I saw him in that same arena ten years ago - sold out - and he performed the whole Songs In The Key of Life album with an orchestra. Bless her heart, I don't know a single Taylor Swift song or any Beyonce song past maybe 2007.

But its about a younger generation (sucks that I have to say that now and not talk about myself!) and they did so damn well its hard grasp where we were just less than two months ago.
Well I am an idiot. I should know better than to trust anything TMZ, lol. But they’re are many other outlets that also thought it might be Beyoncé. I’ll be under my usual large boulder.
If the dems play it right, which I think they are, they know that the buzz will die down soon. Maybe there still will be a rally where Beyoncé comes on stage and endorses Kamala. When the campaign needs a little boost.
Rage tweeting, and I can say with pride that I would rather have bamboo stuck up my fingernails than read a single one of them.

Trump has meltdown during Harris’s DNC speech with Truth Social post every 45 seconds: Live​

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Rage tweeting, and I can say with pride that I rather have bamboo stuck up my fingernails than read a single one of them.

Then called into Fox before they cut him off, then called in to Newsmax. We can talk about media bias all day, but I don't know of other politicians who have an entire "news" network on their speed dial to air their grievances. If they charged him for therapy sessions, they'd have the money to pay off their civil penalties.
The Muckraker podcast was at the convention and did daily summaries. They felt the messaging was overall strong but it was a logistical nightmare that you may not be aware of if you are just getting the news from selective coverage. On average it took 1.5 to 2 hours to get in, like standing in line at Disneyland where the ride chronically breaks down. There were too many DJ music breaks like being at a bar with a jukebox. Some in attendance wanted people to get up and dance but the crowd was largely not having it.

It was speculated Biden got pushed to an off primetime late night slot because they didn’t know if they were going to get state of the union Biden or last debate Biden. Also there might be some resentment from Harris for not just waiting too long to drop out but it was no small secret that he believed by doing so she would be the default nominee who couldn’t win.

Noticeably absent from the way too many speakers was Gavin Newsom and it’s rumored that Newsom and Harris hate each other.

Harris walked up to the line of what Israel would allow to be said about the conflict, but I think it would have been more powerful if they had an Israeli and Palestinian dedicated to peace go up on stage together to share that belief. That would also celebrate our diversity that they are promoting.
The Muckraker podcast was at the convention and did daily summaries. They felt the messaging was overall strong but it was a logistical nightmare that you may not be aware of if you are just getting the news from selective coverage. On average it took 1.5 to 2 hours to get in, like standing in line at Disneyland where the ride chronically breaks down. There were too many DJ music breaks like being at a bar with a jukebox. Some in attendance wanted people to get up and dance but the crowd was largely not having it.

It was speculated Biden got pushed to an off primetime late night slot because they didn’t know if they were going to get state of the union Biden or last debate Biden. Also there might be some resentment from Harris for not just waiting too long to drop out but it was no small secret that he believed by doing so she would be the default nominee who couldn’t win.

Noticeably absent from the way too many speakers was Gavin Newsom and it’s rumored that Newsom and Harris hate each other.

Harris walked up to the line of what Israel would allow to be said about the conflict, but I think it would have been more powerful if they had an Israeli and Palestinian dedicated to peace go up on stage together to share that belief. That would also celebrate our diversity that they are promoting.
Yes, some of the issues were evident to those of us who watched the proceedings in real time. They could have cut out many of the DJ breaks, though they're sometimes helpful as buffers, and some speakers could have been omitted or given less time. IDK if Biden was purposely scheduled late, but he did a good job reiterating what he accomplished. Do Newsom and Harris really hate each other? Maybe, but if they do I'm sure it's just one of several strained relationships that are common in politics.

I agree Harris said as much as she could about the Middle East without crossing the line, since she's part of the Biden-Harris administration for another five months. Although having an Israeli and Palestinian dedicated to peace would have sent a message (I've attended events where this was done), doing it during her speech would have been wrong — that was her time to shine, and she went past 11 PM ET hour as it was.

In the end, though, I don't care about the logistical/scheduling problems, rivalries, or anything else. What counts is that the Democrats presented a united front that highlighted the extreme danger posed by the other side and offered an enthusiastic, joyful, human alternative. Anything else is just noise.