USA Election 2024

Trump: "You know, she seems awfully familiar with the questions". It's almost as if she spent a week preparing for several hours a day.

These clowns watch another clown BRAG that he’s hardly doing any prep, then blame everyone but him when he lies and gets fact-checked or shits the bed during a debate with someone he called “low-IQ”.

Now he’s saying he won’t debate again because he won, and only defeated people want another debate.

Deflection, projection and fear.

Also, RFK Jr. has withdrawn his support for Trump after the debate, saying he can no longer in good conscience endorse someone who slanders the pet-eating community.
More shovel to dig himself deeper


and her face was on camera just about the whole time, smirking while he dug.

Trump has been given credit for being a “showman”, a “TV guy”, a big personality, etc, and all the other overrated schlock that tries to rationalize this mental midget’s appeal with redneck America.

He was not last night. He had a sweaty upper lip. He looked like a very unhappy person, like a pouting child, but with the face of one of the Golden Girls after getting some really horrible news. His head mop looked styled, but also like every part of his skull was borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. He was frothing at the mouth and yelling into a microphone with the tone of a parent yelling at their kid. He didn’t look in the cameras, he was fixated on the moderators. It’s sad that a handshake is questionable, but he didn’t seem prepared. She may have caught him off guard at that very moment.

He started off with the same boring crap we’ve all heard. Took him mere seconds to get to tariffs. We get it, he’s the border guy, but holy crap every third word was border-related. He tried to use Harris’ “Excuse me, I’m speaking” line, and it fell flat, the dead theatre they had the event in somehow got even more silent after he tried that zinger out.

It’s what happens when your drunk uncle goes to the salon. He was not a TV guy or the showman last night. He was deranged and demented (as always).

But not to worry, my friends - he has a concept of a plan. I mean, seriously, I have to hear shit about Harris’ “lack of detail” from these so-called undecided voters, when this guy has had a decade to come up with a comprehensive healthcare plan and has only come up with a “concept of a plan”?
It’s sad that a handshake is questionable, but he didn’t seem prepared. She may have caught him off guard at that very moment.

A black woman invaded his territory and forced him to give a handshake he didn't want to give. In the last debate, he didn't shake hands with Biden, so I think he was caught off guard. She took the first punch and landed a great blow. He was dazed the rest of the evening.

...I have to hear shit about Harris’ “lack of detail” from these so-called undecided voters...

I knew that would come up. So yesterday I went looking to see if I could find any details. Took less than a minute and of course I found plenty of details. I'd love to live life believing everything I'm told without question. It would make things so much quicker and easier. If they ever perfect that where you don't end up with the side-effect of being a total moron, I'd probably look into it.
The gift that never stops giving. X-post facto from Aaron Rupar:
(CouchBoy) on Fox News: We admire Taylor Swift's music, but I don't think most Americans are gonna be influenced by a billionaire celebrity who I think is fundamentally disconnected from the interests and the problems of most Americans

No irony there, none at all.
"First of all, I saw someone easily fooled by a dumb story. I heard about the pets yesterday morning. By lunch I know it was all made up. I'm not even running for President, and I knew enough to dig in to get to the truth. Do we really want a president that easily fooled by something he saw on TV?"

I believe it's useful not to see this as being fooled, being about truth etc.
The orange menace does not care about truth (you are shocked, shocked, right?) - he only processes what is going on as being useful to him or not. Truth does not even enter into the equation. If he see an item he thinks he can use to his advantage, that's all that matters.
Luckily, he is not very intelligent, and can't analyze anything beyond the superficial implications.
The gift that never stops giving. X-post facto from Aaron Rupar:
(CouchBoy) on Fox News: We admire Taylor Swift's music, but I don't think most Americans are gonna be influenced by a billionaire celebrity who I think is fundamentally disconnected from the interests and the problems of most Americans

No irony there, none at all.

That is a quote of irony for the ages. Is he some sort of genius Trump troll who managed to get onto the ticket? Is he trolling all of America to tank the campaign, dropping hints of irony along the way as clues? That would be genius if true, I’d give him due credit.

September 30th? I kind of think maybe not real.

It’s real.


This was a good post
Here's a thought...
If Kamala Harris, someone he doesn't like, was able to manipulate (Individual-ONE) by continuously baiting him last night, can you imagine the effect, the impact, of such manipulations by Vladimir Putin, a former KGB agent, and skilled, experienced manipulator? If that thought doesn't give you pause, nothing will

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