Walmart + Target

Which one do you prefer?

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Between Target and Walmart, which do I prefer? Neither. I don't shop at either one of them. Nor do I shop at Costco or Sam's Club, as I don't need to feed a family and buy items in bulk.
I know cosco is crazy. ends up costing way to much. I let my daughter shop there for us. but you never know what your going to get there.
I am irked at Costco for pushing the booze thing. For about ever, we had state-run liquor stores, no distilled spirits in any other stores, and enough of us were happy with that, but Costco wanted to sell whiskey, so they pushed at initiatives to change that until they got one passed. It is not really better now, unless you are a well-off alcoholic.
We shop there regularly, big ticket items occasionally like you say, TV, soundbar, etc. but we typically buy a lot of our food in bulk there and in the end save as a result. Plus their huge whole rotisserie chickens are still $4.99, you've never had a more yummy chicken.

The problem with ours it's not very convenient, it's way over on the other side of town and they did a terrible job with the planning/parking, it winds up being a 2 hour round trip ... so all those fresh things aren't a good option for us.


They're building one much closer, nicer, less congested area, since it's new, I hope they plan for some growth. Might reconsider when it opens :)

The neighbor used to go up to the current one a few times a month (seems like he hasn't done it lately), he'd score snow crab legs, insane price/lb, like 30-40lbs at a time (he even took a huge cooler for the return trip). If those were a 30 minute round trip, I'd be up there for sure :D
Watch that bathroom though, someone might have to pee with questionable genitalia that isn't socially acceptable.

I have seen plenty of women in my lifetime use the men's room while I am at the urinal because they don't want to wait in the long line for the women's one gives a fuck. She goes in the stall and everyone minds their business. It wasn't an issue until Republicans cried about it like snowflakes.
They're building one much closer, nicer, less congested area, since it's new, I hope they plan for some growth. Might reconsider when it opens :)

It just opened! After I posted that I was curious about the opening, and hit all sorts of news articles about the Grand Opening.

So, ummm, OK :D
Local Walmart’s shelves are empty and getting emptier due to the stress of not enough staff stocking delivery orders, apparently.

Target online for one repeat purchase which is cheaper than anywhere else.