Just so we can definitively put this to rest about whether Manchin intentionally lied to Biden & everyone else all this time...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1472954156071727105/
How the fuck do you get mad at others, because it's tiresome to maintain your own lie? There's a reason we learn as children, it's easier to just tell the truth, over having to keep up a lie. What the fuck kind of individual gets mad, because their own bullshit becomes annoying & people have the gall to naively think you're being honest? The gall of people trying to "negotiate" with a guy who asked to be negotiated with, even though he knew he was full of shit himself the whole time. The gall!
From the man himself. He enjoyed the attention & spotlight he was given as the new "king" of American politics, but as suspected he was an untrustworthy one. His bullshit continues as he tries spin his way out of his place in history, and it's of course another pile of lies.
Manchin NEVER gave a shit about what the country wanted, or what the majority of his own state wanted. Manchin was only about himself, his newfound importance, and the energy concerns he's beholden too.
We've been so worried about the upcoming demagogue that the other party is so hellbent on putting back in power ( contrary to their supposed love for democracy & patriotism ), many didn't want to pay attention to the one we already had. One man who gladly tanked what maybe good for the entire country, the people he was
elected to serve

, for what's good for him & his own family.
Merry Christmas.
I wonder if Sinema will learn from all of this & this classic bit of asshatery
and try to keep the lowest profile until next year, when it's time for renewed bullshit in congress.