Marjorie Taylor Green: What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with her?

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the stupid of this woman still amazes me. well if you succeeded whatever that would have meant you would be excited as a traitor so there is that. get rid of two white supremicists in one blow.
“I want to tell you something. If Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, we would’ve been armed,” she said of the Jan. 6, 2021, attempt by supporters of then-President Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 election, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the New York Post.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says 'We Would've Won' If She Organized The Jan. 6 Attack​

Doesn't that statement go against her oath of office?
Doesn't that statement go against her oath of office?
TREASON or how about STUPID treason, as when you’re too much of an idiot to figure out what you are advocating, and how it might be perceived, or you’re so deranged you think your losers will hoist you up to their shoulders, parade you to DC and declare you the Fuck-Democracy Maleficent Supreme? So can we assume this is quite fashionable or should I say tolerable rhetoric for the losers back home In her district. Or has there been pushback?

Afterwards, right out of The Head Loser’s playbook:
In a statement on Monday, she said she was making a "sarcastic joke" and pushed back against criticism from the Biden administration.

Maybe this affair just shines a light on the general bumfuckery of todays GOP propelled in dangerous directions because of STUPID and HEINOUS back home? It’s the only reason these kind of psychos get elected. You can honestly ask, who consumes this shit, much less likes it, and why have her losers not thrown her out already? I think I answered my own question. It’s not unlike a group delusional death wish based on a dark fantasy. :unsure:
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Plus that idiot that agreed with trump about tossing the constitution. these political idiots/traitors can say anything thanks to trump.
If we thought Right Wng politicians in the 80s were bad, holy shit these nut cases are anti-Democracy, sell their souls, win at all costs, fascist Trumpettes*. And we actually thought the USA was a shining light of democracy. With these sinister people being elected in over half of the States, you can honestly question that.

*Now Trump, his putrid self seems to be on the decline, but his movement lives as the GOP seeks smarter people like DeSantis to run his agenda. This is how the party was before he showed up, we need to be smarter when knifing Democracy in the back. We need to sound Patriotic as we trash the place so STUPID back home will keep voting for us… :oops:
I would pay for a pay per view of these two having a cat fight. though with these two guns would be involved.

Far-right Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) traded blows on Monday in a disagreement over the next House speaker.
At a Turning Point USA conference in Phoenix, Boebert criticized Greene for backing current House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) for speaker.

“I’ve been aligned with Marjorie and accused of believing a lot of the things that she believes in,” Boebert said. “I don’t believe in this just like I don’t believe in ... Jewish space lasers,” she added, referring to one of Greene’s most widely-ridiculed conspiracy theories.
Greene shot back on Twitter, accusing Boebert of “high school drama” and noting that the Colorado Republican won reelection on a knife’s edge.

“I’ve supported and donated to Lauren Boebert. President Trump has supported and donated to Lauren Boebert. Kevin McCarthy has supported and donated to Lauren Boebert. She just barely came through by 500 votes,” Greene tweeted.
“She gladly takes our $$$ but when she’s been asked: Lauren refuses to endorse President Trump, she refuses to support Kevin McCarthy, and she childishly threw me under the bus for a cheap sound bite.”

I would pay for a pay per view of these two having a cat fight. though with these two guns would be involved.

Far-right Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) traded blows on Monday in a disagreement over the next House speaker.
At a Turning Point USA conference in Phoenix, Boebert criticized Greene for backing current House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) for speaker.

“I’ve been aligned with Marjorie and accused of believing a lot of the things that she believes in,” Boebert said. “I don’t believe in this just like I don’t believe in ... Jewish space lasers,” she added, referring to one of Greene’s most widely-ridiculed conspiracy theories.
Greene shot back on Twitter, accusing Boebert of “high school drama” and noting that the Colorado Republican won reelection on a knife’s edge.

“I’ve supported and donated to Lauren Boebert. President Trump has supported and donated to Lauren Boebert. Kevin McCarthy has supported and donated to Lauren Boebert. She just barely came through by 500 votes,” Greene tweeted.
“She gladly takes our $$$ but when she’s been asked: Lauren refuses to endorse President Trump, she refuses to support Kevin McCarthy, and she childishly threw me under the bus for a cheap sound bite.”

Weird. Makes no sense for them to fight publicly. OTOH, they’re both mind-blowingly stupid.
two rednecks fighting nothing new there.

Well thanks to the midterm election results, Boebert has figured out (duh) that she lives in a swing district, so if she wants to stay in politics then one could rationally expect her to keep moving away from Marjorie Taylor Greene's brand of red-meat GOP extremism... even if the both of them are in fact extremists. Of course having rational expectations of either one of them is probably a stretch

Good luck to Kevin McCarthy if he ends up with the speaker's gavel in hand in January. He likes to avoid taking a stand on anything, but Taylor Greene in particular is cut out to make his life miserable because he's not really out there on the far far right fringe himself. Boebert is part of the wacky right but Taylor Greene is practically off the charts.

She seems to fancy herself as Donald Trump in a dress. She apparently missed the memo that even Trump doesn't believe in Jewish space lasers as a cause of forest fires. About the farthest Trump went out on a limb about forestry matters was suggesting that California should rake up the leaves more often.

Trump is fading though... despite Taylor Green's loyalty... and soon enough Kevin McCarthy is not only going to have to extricate himself from loyalty to Trump, but also step back from being seen as somehow more than ordinarily beholden to Taylor Greene over her likely vote for him to become Speaker.
Weird. Makes no sense for them to fight publicly. OTOH, they’re both mind-blowingly stupid.
How else could they possibly stay relevant?

You think TFG’s NFTs were stupid? Wait until these two sell tickets for jello wrestling.
But still, you can't prove they're not.

Very true. Then again, if she doesn’t believe in Jewish Space Lasers its probably only because she subscribes to ideas like that the earth is actually flat, NASA is a farce to siphon money from taxpayers and deny God or whatever, spacecraft/satellites aren’t real, orbits cannot exist, GPS actually uses ground antennas to triangulate positions, etc. Rockets are just CGI or videos of falling flaming objects played in reverse or never actually make it out of the atmosphere and land in the ocean where they cannot be seen.

I wonder how many flat earth conspiracy theorists that don’t believe in spacecraft also believe that forest fires are ignited by the Jewish space lasers… these people deficit in logic required believe either of these conspiracies certainly suggests a decent probability.
I wonder how many flat earth conspiracy theorists that don’t believe in spacecraft also believe that forest fires are ignited by the Jewish space lasers… these people deficit in logic required believe either of these conspiracies certainly suggests a decent probability.

You're obviously brainwashed by the media. Do your research.
Well clearly you have learned nothing from the teachings of “Ye” (formerly known as Kanye West), I think you mean the “Jewish Media®“.

Comeon, man. You know you can't just outright say "Jewish Media" these days. You have to use nondescript phrasing, so you can pretend you're talking about something else entirely if you're called out on it.