Musk offers to buy Twitter

Btw, in the interest of fairness, I should add that Starlink despite Musk’s antics and the arbitrary restrictions and so on remains the communication backbone of the UA army and according to some military analysts one of the most important pieces of equipment shipped to Ukraine - on par with Himars, artillery, etc …
Huh I post this an now the economist posts a new story about how Starlink is blocking drone use even inside Ukrainian territory occupied by Russia.

I think there’s merit to the belief that the main reason Trump hasn’t returned to Twitter is because it would devalue Truth Social and is even something investors could sue him over. But at this point it really doesn’t matter where he posts his tantrums. He could scroll it with a sharpie on a Mcdonald's bathroom stall and the media would take a picture and put it in everybody’s face.
I think there’s merit to the belief that the main reason Trump hasn’t returned to Twitter is because it would devalue Truth Social and is even something investors could sue him over. But at this point it really doesn’t matter where he posts his tantrums. He could scroll it with a sharpie on a Mcdonald's bathroom stall and the media would take a picture and put it in everybody’s face.
Seems like both platforms have become echo chambers for the right so it's probably a wash, they've pretty much alienated everyone else.

Twitter is secretly boosting 35 VIP users including Lebron James, AOC, catturd2, and Ben Shapiro: report​

  • Twitter engineers have ensured that tweets by VIPs like Elon Musk will be more visible than others.
  • A report by Platformer revealed that 35 people have had their posts boosted by Twitter's algorithms.
  • This means their tweets automatically bypass an algorithm meant to cap a Twitter user's reach.
catturd2 made a poll showing trump is doing much better then deathsantis and trump was pissed at his wako rally that they didn't to ue that poll to show how well he is doing. I mean come on catturd2 has to be a valuable source for trump.
I used to use Twitter too much
Even though I can't stand Elon, I do have to thank him for buying it and "running it", as it has totally broken my connection to it.
Same here, stopped me dead in my tracks and haven't looked back since deleting my account. Aside from Musk it's liberating to be rid of it, I've really slowed down my presence on social media outside of just photography.
Oh and while Elon did actually follow through for once and open source the Twitter recommendation code (so everyone else will fix for free all the problems he caused and now fired the employees who knew how to do it), of course the first thing everyone did was to search for Elon’s name in and yup… Elon gets just extra special treatment.



Oh and while Elon did actually follow through for once and open source the Twitter recommendation code (so everyone else will fix for free all the problems he caused and now fired the employees who knew how to do it), of course the first thing everyone did was to search for Elon’s name in and yup… Elon gets just extra special treatment.

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Funny, before I left I had tweeted criticizing him and afterwards all subsequent tweets had zero views so I was put into the doghouse at some point. I was on my way out anyway but at least Trump had the common decency to block me, Elon probably has a button at his disposal that instantly ghosts you from all users. everyone else will fix for free all the problems he caused and now fired the employees who knew how to do it...

While I'm normally a fan of open source code, he would need to prove dumber than he already is to let outsiders contribute code. He'd need to hire some of those employees back to be sure the code they're getting is trustworthy. I could see people submitting bad, unsafe and/or unoptimized code just for kicks.

So yeah, that would be fantastic!
Imagine if Elon had given all that money to feeding and housing the poor.
I imagined this very thing a month or two back. The fact he doesn‘t is quite helpful to ‘getting’ him.

Someone who wants to colonise Mars and space and contemplates connecting his brain to a machine (wants immortality IOW) and doesn‘t see Russia invading Ukraine as any real problem…

…is a futurist through and through. He doesn‘t believe in humanity as we are now (or not any more if he once did). He believes in humanity ‘plus’, and to get there he can’t spare a dime on where we are now…

Such are the fantasies of many of our élite multi-billionaires
While I'm normally a fan of open source code, he would need to prove dumber than he already is to let outsiders contribute code. He'd need to hire some of those employees back to be sure the code they're getting is trustworthy. I could see people submitting bad, unsafe and/or unoptimized code just for kicks.

So yeah, that would be fantastic!
And this is exactly what he’s doing:



I am sure republicans are not up in arms over this. It’s an asshat move. It’s not “unconstitutional” or conspiratorial targeting of dems. He can do it, and he did.

This is when cancel culture is good. Can it go overboard? Sure. It’s also protected speech and in a case like Musk, operating his company as if he’s a rabble rouser trying to appeal to MAGA, it’s entirely appropriate.

I am sure republicans are not up in arms over this. It’s an asshat move. It’s not “unconstitutional” or conspiratorial targeting of dems. He can do it, and he did.

This is when cancel culture is good. Can it go overboard? Sure. It’s also protected speech and in a case like Musk, operating his company as if he’s a rabble rouser trying to appeal to MAGA, it’s entirely appropriate.
Memes from his adoring fans is how he makes business decisions:


Then there’s this:

