Ron DeSantis: What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with him?

Please stop muddying the water with this ridiculousness. When the child becomes sexualized in their teen years they know who they are,

Not muddying any water. While I agree with the ridiculousness aspect of it, it is happening:

There are many other examples of this.
Not muddying any water. While I agree with the ridiculousness aspect of it, it is happening:

There are many other examples of this.
Not many, just cherry picked outliers to fit the right wing agenda.
Not many, just cherry picked outliers to fit the right wing agenda.

While you claim it is cherry picked and an outlier, I don't know what you are afraid of here. Do you not like my version of this or are you actually starting to get a bit concerned it is happening?

Perhaps do some searches. A google search will fill pages of stories just like this one including a 3-year old.

I'll tell you my concern and you can dismiss it or not. A boy likes to put on his sister's clothes. His parents, not wanting to be bad parents, decide he must be a girl and start transitioning him when in fact, he simply loved his sister and wanted to wear clothes like her.
While you claim it is cherry picked and an outlier, I don't know what you are afraid of here. Do you not like my version of this or are you actually starting to get a bit concerned it is happening?

Perhaps do some searches. A google search will fill pages of stories just like this one including a 3-year old.

I'll tell you my concern and you can dismiss it or not. A boy likes to put on his sister's clothes. His parents, not wanting to be bad parents, decide he must be a girl and start transitioning him when in fact, he simply loved his sister and wanted to wear clothes like her.
I'll tell you what I'm afraid of, people like you ruining the lives of children by not accepting who they are. Hope nobody in your family has to suffer from your radical ideology as there is no question they would never come to you if they were gay. While you're looking for the boogieman of 4 year olds there are teenagers killing themselves left and right. Frankly, I'm saddened by how far you're going to defend it.
Not muddying any water. While I agree with the ridiculousness aspect of it, it is happening:

There are many other examples of this.
so your saying you and the GOP know better then the doctors and the parents in this case??
But there are those who have a vested interest in there being as many trans people as possible

You mean … Republicans?

You cannot be indoctrinated, you are gay or you are not. It is not a learned "thing", the only thing that needs to be learned is empathy and kindness.

There is another part to it though. The sex researcher Alfred Kinsey posited (presumably based at least in part on his own work) that we reside somewhere along his "Kinsey Scale" gradient, where 1 is strictly heterosexual, 7 is strictly homosexual and the values in between are some degree of biased or balanced bisexuality.

In other words, at least two thirds of us are bisexual to the extent that we might realistically be inclined to engage in extra-preferential activity. If that is a valid assessment of all of us, a large segment of the population has been systemtically indoctrinated to view homosexual behaviors as loathsome.

The objection to not reviling LGBTness and ostracizing those people is that a large segment of the population would be like to view those heretofore loathsome activities acceptable, the people who engage in them as not-perverts, and might themselves consider doing that nasty stuff if the opportunity presents itself. You are never going to "convert" true gays or straights, but Kinsey suggests that most of us are not actually either.
But there are those who have a vested interest in there being as many trans people as possible.

You mean … Republicans?
Exactly, as if we want to "create" trans people somehow. The implication being it's a chosen lifestyle and they will never simply accept a person for who they are, instead keep writing legislation to beat them down. It's not bad enough they have women killing themselves over abortion, LGBTQ has to be on their radar as well.

Another year and the Republican reign of fascism will likely be over, their assault on the rights of women, minorities and LGBTQ is tanking them and their just doubling down on all of it.
You do realize that not all Conservative's are religious. Other than weddings and funerals, I haven't been in a church in decades.

And what age is that? 4? 6? 8?
Oh, we all realize that Conservatives are not religious. Or rather, observant. They simply hold religion as a shield to use against anything that makes them uncomfortable.

If 4, 6, or 8 is too young, why do people ask children of those ages if they have a boyfriend or girlfriend in school? We shouldn’t be shoving heterosexuality down the throats of children, ya know! And seriously, if it’s ok for an 8 year old to have a crush on another kid at school (and they do), who are we to tell them they can’t crush on them cause they’re the wrong gender?
Oh, we all realize that Conservatives are not religious. Or rather, observant. They simply hold religion as a shield to use against anything that makes them uncomfortable.

If 4, 6, or 8 is too young, why do people ask children of those ages if they have a boyfriend or girlfriend in school? We shouldn’t be shoving heterosexuality down the throats of children, ya know! And seriously, if it’s ok for an 8 year old to have a crush on another kid at school (and they do), who are we to tell them they can’t crush on them cause they’re the wrong gender?

How did we get to talking about same sex attraction from transitioning kids? I don't care who a kid has a crush on, I care that kids who give any indication of being trans and they are swept up in it. Being trans does not necessarily equall being gay.
How did we get to talking about same sex attraction from transitioning kids? I don't care who a kid has a crush on, I care that kids who give any indication of being trans and they are swept up in it. Being trans does not necessarily equall being gay.
Frankly, I don't see why anyone is swept up in their sexuality at all, it's just not your business, just as a woman's womb isn't your business either. It all falls under LGBTQ and all anyone is saying is let that person be who they are without all the pretense.

I don't get the Conservative mindset that they have to legislate the human body, this is not limited Government, it's overreach to the extreme.
Frankly, I don't see why anyone is swept up in their sexuality at all, it's just not your business, just as a woman's womb isn't your business either. It all falls under LGBTQ and all anyone is saying is let that person be who they are without all the pretense.

There are plenty of LGB without the T groups popping up because they realize these are two different issues and they don't wan to be associated with the T part.

I don't get the Conservative mindset that they have to legislate the human body, this is not limited Government, it's overreach to the extreme.

Because someone has to protect these kids from those who don't have their best interests at heart.
Because someone has to protect these kids from those who don't have their best interests at heart.
You mean like the people who are failing miserably at protecting children from gun violence?

With gender-affirming care, which encompasses a wide variety of interventions, devising a plan that is in the child's best interests involves parents, medical professionals, and the child. The more openly this is discussed, the more parents and children will be aware of options, and the greater the likelihood of success.
With gender-affirming care, which encompasses a wide variety of interventions, devising a plan that is in the child's best interests involves parents, medical professionals, and the child. The more openly this is discussed, the more parents and children will be aware of options, and the greater the likelihood of success.

I don't disagree with this. But maybe go find some stories of people who have de transitioned and see if they were given any other options.

There is a story by a girl I need to find. I will have to ask my wife as she is the one who read it to me. But she talks about how she was transitioned and it was going to fix everything, but she was not given other options or given other therapy.

Remind me if I don't come back here to post it.
Because someone has to protect these kids from those who don't have their best interests at heart.
As one who so vehemently advocates for the weapons that have killed hundreds of little children in school shootings I find this statement to be insulting.

Let's be real here, you're offended by one's sexuality and as a result want to legislate it when it's really just none of your damned business.
As one who so vehemently advocates for the weapons that have killed hundreds of little children in school shootings I find this statement to be insulting.

Let's be real here, you're offended by one's sexuality and as a result want to legislate it when it's really just none of your damned business.
Plus you cant legislate sexuality anyway so its a moot point.
The GOP has become a parody of a political party, with clowns like Trump, DeSantis and MGT leading the way. They have no interest in actually governing, just engaging in culture wars and retaining power. The debt limit was raised three times during the Trump administration. 25% of the national debt was accrued during his time in office. The GOP cut taxes knowing it would add to the national debt. Now all of a sudden they are concerned about spending. It's just something to rouse their deplorable base and attack Biden with.
The GOP has become a parody of a political party, with clowns like Trump, DeSantis and MGT leading the way. They have no interest in actually governing, just engaging in culture wars and retaining power. The debt limit was raised three times during the Trump administration. 25% of the national debt was accrued during his time in office. The GOP cut taxes knowing it would add to the national debt. Now all of a sudden they are concerned about spending. It's just something to rouse their deplorable base and attack Biden with.
Even Fox News is showing their in for a brutal year. Hope kissing the ring of megalomaniac and stripping people's personal freedoms is worth it.

Fox Poll Shows Republicans in for a Brutal 2024 Election​

Even Fox is admitting on air that the policies it pushes aren’t all that popular with voters.​
