
I wonder how recent California to Texas transplants feel about their decision now. If they lived in CA for a long time and are under the age of 50 I can’t imagine they are a far-right leaner. One of the reasons often given for the move is politics but they traded in SJWs, cancel culture, and sanctuary cities for people running amuck with guns like it’s the old west, abortion bounty hunters, and giving covid the opportunity to spread as much as is humanly possible. You’re also a lot more likely to have a mask related altercation and run into religious nuts and white people as the biggest victims on the planet every time you leave the house.

Abbott also seems 100% dedicated to passing legislation that will piss off liberals and for that reason alone, as if the state has no other issues. Democrats should learn a lesson here. Ram your agenda through and see if it can be reversed, or if the people even want it to be reversed. The biggest problem Republicans have with the Democrat agenda is it is wildly popular. Once the people experience it, regardless of political leaning, good luck reversing it.

“Hey, I just got paid work leave, child tax credits and free pre-k, expanded healthcare coverage, and free junior college. Fuck that! Reverse it! And lower my taxes. That extra $100 a month will more than makeup for taking away all those things I just mentioned.”

Born and raised in Texas and in reality you don't really see anyone running around with guns like its the Wild West. I can't remember the last time I saw someone open carry even though it's legal here. Most people own guns in their home for protection and conceal carry so you don't see it. The only people that open carry are the idiots at rallies trying to prove a point. Other than that most people just live their lives not waving their guns everywhere, myself included.

I feel like the biggest issue for Californians moving to Texas would be just the sheer amount of fucking stupid people lol - our education system sucks and it shows. I mean, just yesterday I saw a car with anti-vaccine stickers on the back, and "Stop the Steal" stickers. This state is full of stupid and religious people.
Born and raised in Texas and in reality you don't really see anyone running around with guns like its the Wild West. I can't remember the last time I saw someone open carry even though it's legal here. Most people own guns in their home for protection and conceal carry so you don't see it. The only people that open carry are the idiots at rallies trying to prove a point. Other than that most people just live their lives not waving their guns everywhere, myself included.

I feel like the biggest issue for Californians moving to Texas would be just the sheer amount of fucking stupid people lol - our education system sucks and it shows. I mean, just yesterday I saw a car with anti-vaccine stickers on the back, and "Stop the Steal" stickers. This state is full of stupid and religious people.

I was being a bit hyperbolic with my wild west comment. Still, with the voter law changes over completely unproven massive voter fraud, it seems like Texas is doing much of the same in response to "They're coming for your guns!"

We used to have a vendor come to my work who had 3 Trump stickers on his car. The condition of the car screamed poor life decisions and no amount of Trump was going to undo that.
I was being a bit hyperbolic with my wild west comment. Still, with the voter law changes over completely unproven massive voter fraud, it seems like Texas is doing much of the same in response to "They're coming for your guns!"

We used to have a vendor come to my work who had 3 Trump stickers on his car. The condition of the car screamed poor life decisions and no amount of Trump was going to undo that.

Abbott and Republicans are getting desperate. They know Texas is changing and will eventually flip blue. It's only a matter of time. And they are doing everything in their power to stop it right now or at least slow it down.

They tried to get votes turned over in Harris County (Houston) last election because they were "Drive-thru" voting because of Covid. There is absolutely no difference between waiting in your car and standing in line. They still verify all of your information before handing you a tablet to vote in your car. Republicans don't want to make it easy to vote because they'll lose a lot easier. They'd rather you stand and wait in a line for hours.
Abbott and Republicans are getting desperate. They know Texas is changing and will eventually flip blue. It's only a matter of time. And they are doing everything in their power to stop it right now or at least slow it down.

They tried to get votes turned over in Harris County (Houston) last election because they were "Drive-thru" voting because of Covid. There is absolutely no difference between waiting in your car and standing in line. They still verify all of your information before handing you a tablet to vote in your car. Republicans don't want to make it easy to vote because they'll lose a lot easier. They'd rather you stand and wait in a line for hours.

Honestly I think they are hastening their own demise with these actions. But when a good part of your party's platform is based on known and well-covered lies you can't exactly pivot to the truth to be your savior. Just double down on lies, more of them and bigger.
I'm going to need help here, with something NOT covered

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1448741745584480259/

What IS the opposing perspective of the Holocaust, that you WANT to OPENLY share with anyone publicly?

Do you REALLY want to be that person who tries that? :unsure:
Last edited:
I'm going to need help here, with something NOT covered

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1448741745584480259/

What IS the opposing position of the Holocaust, that you WANT to OPENLY share with anyone publicly?

Do you REALLY want to be that person who tries that? :unsure:
Will they have people offer opposing views on everything?

”Welcome to math class kids. 2+2=4. But per Texas law, let us now offer an opposing perspective!”
I'm going to need help here, with something NOT covered

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1448741745584480259/

What IS the opposing perspective of the Holocaust, that you WANT to OPENLY share with anyone publicly?

Do you REALLY want to be that person who tries that? :unsure:
Interesting side note here: The superintendent in charge of this school system which thinks we need Holocaust deniers in the classroom doesn’t seem to be in any danger of losing her job. That’s a pretty sharp contrast to other principals and superintendents who DARED say that racism is a bad thing and that maybe we should do something about it… and lost their jobs.

When Palestinian members of Congress challenge Israel’s policies, they are called anti-Semitic by the right. Yet I see NOBODY on the right saying anything similar in this situation of Holocaust denial.

I'm not surprised with that guy getting shot because he was parked in their driveway.

I have the NextDoor app but I only download it and post when I'm looking for someone to help with something I need done on my home. Other than that it's not on my phone. I got tired of all the racism and trigger happy people on there. All the antivaxxers posting conspiracy theories.

I remember when Pokemon Go was popular people were threatening to shoot people that got to close to their home trying to catch Pokemon. I've seen people post videos of someone just using their driveway to back in and out to turn around and they are already threatening to shoot them if they come back. I'm all for the right to protect your home but some of these gun owners give good gun owners a bad name.

I live in a boring quiet neighborhood, but if you read the NextDoor app you'd think I lived in a 3rd world country. These people are afraid of EVERYTHING. Fox News has these people thinking Antifa is roaming our boring neighborhood.
I'm not surprised with that guy getting shot because he was parked in their driveway.

I have the NextDoor app but I only download it and post when I'm looking for someone to help with something I need done on my home. Other than that it's not on my phone. I got tired of all the racism and trigger happy people on there. All the antivaxxers posting conspiracy theories.

I remember when Pokemon Go was popular people were threatening to shoot people that got to close to their home trying to catch Pokemon. I've seen people post videos of someone just using their driveway to back in and out to turn around and they are already threatening to shoot them if they come back. I'm all for the right to protect your home but some of these gun owners give good gun owners a bad name.

I live in a boring quiet neighborhood, but if you read the NextDoor app you'd think I lived in a 3rd world country. These people are afraid of EVERYTHING. Fox News has these people thinking Antifa is roaming our boring neighborhood.

Never used NextDoor. Was thinking about it, but for some reason it didn't occur to me that it would be just as venom filled as social media. Plus you get the bonus of evil shit is supposedly going on all around you at all times. I'll pass.
Never used NextDoor. Was thinking about it, but for some reason it didn't occur to me that it would be just as venom filled as social media. Plus you get the bonus of evil shit is supposedly going on all around you at all times. I'll pass.

Yeah, it's not worth your time. Like I said, I only download/use it when I'm looking for someone to help me fix something in my home that I can't do myself. Other than that it is trash. It's the Facebook for your neighborhood.

I got suspended once because this girl claimed this suspicious black guy followed her from the store down the street to the park in our neighborhood. I started asking questions and then it came out that the black guy was at the park FIRST. They were both at the store, but he walked to the park first and was sitting on the bench minding his own business until she started to feel uncomfortable. So then I asked her what made him suspicious and she goes "Well, he's just looking at his phone not making eye contact with anyone" lolololololol - I got suspended for calling her out. It was MacRumors that day.

Another time, this guy posts that a suspicious African American male was walking down the main street into our neighborhood. I was like "what makes him suspicious?" and he goes "He didn't make eye contact with me as I drove by" lololololol

I just wish people would admit they're fucking racist.

"So I was following this Netflix controversy and I saw another opportunity to be on the wrong side of history, which as you know, is about the only thing I do as governor of the great state of Texas. Greg Brick Wall Against Progress Abbott is what my friends call me. Now back to Senator Cruz for some Vaudeville humor."

"So I was following this Netflix controversy and I saw another opportunity to be on the wrong side of history, which as you know, is about the only thing I do as governor of the great state of Texas. Greg Brick Wall Against Progress Abbott is what my friends call me. Now back to Senator Cruz for some Vaudeville humor."

I have lived in Texas my whole life. I follow High School football like the religion it is in Texas...I follow HS sports in general here. I grew up in a small town where Friday Night Lights was real. I am a gay male, and I have yet to see transgendered athletes running all over the sports scene here. Like I said, Transgendered are the new bogey man for Republicans. They need something to keep their base angry and scared. I'm not saying there aren't any transgendered in sports. It's just not this BIG issue like Republicans make it out to be.

I was talking to a friend of mine (straight girl) about this. And I told her I have been out for over 20 years, since I was 18. I have been all over the gay scene and I have yet to meet any transgendered athletes....so I know straight people don't know more than I do.

Now what I have noticed following HS football the last 3 decades was that more and more boys are joining the dance teams, and the cheerleading teams. They're not transgendered. They're just boys that want to dance and cheer. I remember the first time I saw a guy on a dance team I was back in my podunk hometown and the visiting team had a boy on the dance team. I heard chuckles and jokes in the stands from insecure men when they noticed him. But then when they realized he was fucking good their tune changed. I heard them say "dang, he's the best on the team" LMAO

Long story short, Republicans just need a bogeyman so their base can have someone to blame for their shitty lives.
Texas working hard to ban books discussing sexuality and/or race:

(paywall removed)

Krause also wants superintendents to identify “any other books or content” in their districts that may “address or contain” topics of human sexuality, STDs, AIDS, HIV or material that might make students “feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or other form of psychological distress because of their race or sex or convey that a student, by virtue of their race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive.”
So… learning about sex and STDs is illegal now in Texas?
Books that touch on these subjects violate the state’s H.B. 3979, a law that went into effect last month that limits how race-related subjects are taught in the state’s schools. It is known as the “critical race theory law.” In December, this law will be superseded by S.B. 3, which establishes that teachers can’t be forced to discuss current controversial topics in their classrooms.

(note the site … but, still … )
However, the Onion did not manufacture this: the Texas House Freedumb Caucus made a list of books that young people ought not be exposed to because of squicky themes like homosexuality and wokeness that might make them uncomfortable. The list was then sent to 17 school districts in the state demanding information about whether their libraries have these books in them.

The Austin school district, one of the largest in the state, will not comply with a request from the Republican leader of the Texas House General Investigating Committee to confirm whether it carries certain books in its libraries. “After doing more legal research, we've decided that a response is not necessary, especially since anyone can search our library catalogs,” said district spokesman Jason Stanford.

"Do your own damn legwork," they said, "We might even teach you what this 'alphabet' thing is."
Ookay, I'm done for the day if not week. So before a new thread is started...

DALLAS (KXAN) — As state and local elections continue into the evening on Nov. 2 across Texas, QAnon conspiracy theorists gathered in downtown Dallas to await the return of John F. Kennedy, Jr., who died in 1999.

The gathering began at Dealey Plaza Monday night, The Dallas Morning News reports. The return of JFK Jr. in the city and spot where his father died in 1963 is meant to begin the reinstatement of former Pres. Donald Trump, according to several QAnon-affiliated social media accounts.

Rolling Stone explains a popular QAnon influencer on Telegram repeated to their over 250,000 followers debunked claims of widespread fraud resulting in the election of Pres. Joe Biden. The influencer theorizes that not only will JKF Jr., who died in a plane crash at the age of 38, return but that one QAnon theory will be proven true: that every U.S. president and law since 1871 is illegitimate.

The “1871” theory relates to the passage of the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, which theorists believe turned transitioned the U.S. into a corporation. “The theory is based on a false interpretation of the Organic Act,” writes BBC’s Shayan Sardarizadeh. “[The act] merely turned the District of Columbia into a municipal corporation, better known as a local governing body, and has no relation to a president or the US as a whole.”

This “loophole” is believed to make Trump’s reinstatement possible — after which he would make JFK Jr. (who’s believed to have been in hiding) his vice-president before stepping down, making Kennedy Jr. president. The influencer, RS reports, says once Trump steps down, he will become “1 of 7 new Kings. Most likely the King of Kings.”

I don't know what to make of any of that.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1455597102973784076/
