The 2022 Midterms

IMO people are just dissatisfied all the way around on both sides, it really just came down to turnout which is typically low for the party in power during the midterms. Trump and abortion dogged Republicans this time around, otherwise they could've easily made a clean sweep of it.

Yeah, the Gen Z in general plus some older Roe activists in particular got out there and made a huge difference. That can backfire next time around though as far as the youth vote goes, if implementation of key legislation of Biden admin (and some exec orders that make out of court alive) don't add up to "promises kept."

Yup, on one hand, you’d think the GOP would want it to be easy for their base to vote, with mail-in and other methods. But when you consider most of the population doesn’t vote Republican and their politics aren’t popular, douchebags with guns hanging out near drop boxes starts to make sense.

Yeah the problem with Rs casting doubt on integrity of elections is risk of lowering turnout on their own side.

The Republicans did their usual strong messaging on chosen themes but messed up big time in sending out all kinds of conflicting messages about the actual process of casting a vote (in person, drop box, mail). Some candidates were suggesting to hold back mailed ballots until late "so the Dems can't figure out how much to cheat by on election night."

LOL because you can track receipt of your ballot if not cast in person, plenty Dems always just drop ballot in the mailbox anyway or a dropbox if that's an option. So all that some of the Rs did in 2022 by saying "yeah let's do last minute dropbox" was make it take longer to count the increased volume of local absentee ballots and report the race outcome. Most states don't let actual counting of those votes proceed until after polls on Election Day have closed...

Also the abortion issue was low-priority for Rs this year with only a few states having related propositions, so some lean-right voters probably threw up hands and figured hey this is a red district anyway, we got it nailed.... and just didn't bother voting.

Ironically that sort of complacency is often also the problem with potential blue voters in urban areas. This year the Gen Z and the abortion rights activists bumped the Dems' turnout.
It's pretty amusing hearing Republicans desperately search for reasons why they didn't do as well as they thought they would. I've heard everything from "young people didn't vote" (actually they did, and they didn't vote for you) to "well, they did well in Florida and that's what's important" (turns out Florida is not a microcosm of the U.S. It's just the red version of California. I'm thinking more and more a DeSantis vs. Newsom race would be hilarious).

Republicans' only plan on inflation was yelling about inflation.
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Trump is currently pointing fingers and blaming people, instead of actually taking a realistic look at what's going on and addressing the concerns of real people. This is what cost them the election, if they want to succeed they need to bind together and get rid of him. My guess is they're finally taking a close look at that.
No cultural appropriation here.

None at all.

No, no, no.

fucking shofars – total assholes
On behalf of the jews, she can have our shofars. They are annoying. When was the last time you heard a shofar on a rock song?
On behalf of the jews, she can have our shofars. They are annoying. When was the last time you heard a shofar on a rock song?

Let me just say, the above is worth a Google search :D

Well they say there's nothing new under the sun so if it has ever happened, and since the internet is forever, surely the evidence can be turned up.

Meanwhile the Dem in CO-3 is trying to get out ahead of the inevitable shofar-blowing circus if BoBo goes down to defeat in a very close race out there. He's explaining why by CO law the vote takes so long to count...

On behalf of the jews, she can have our shofars. They are annoying. When was the last time you heard a shofar on a rock song?

I looked it up, and it turns out there's apparently a big Hasidic punk rock scene in New York, and they'll sometimes break out the shofar.

So I guess it is a thing.

Why CO-3 didn't overwhelmingly vote for the saner candidate is beyond me.

Same. She is really off the wall. Not just wacky or loud. Alarmingly unhinged but apparently making money off it as she traveled around to other red states going to rallies and getting free press doing it.

Past that it must be potential voter inattention. There have been interviews of likely voters in CO-3 who have pointed out with annoyance her loud mini-Trump act, and traveling around just to get media attention instead of buckling down to get Colorado residents some help on their issues.

That district is so huge and sprawling, mostly rural... Fifty thousand square miles and an average of 15 people per square mile with a few big cities so the actual pop in the rural areas is miniscule.

The areas around like Grand Junction or Pueblo or even the much smaller but civic-minded Aspen have some liberal activists... but a lot of the latter could be seasonal residents. We might see them quoted on Colorado issues (water, environmental etc) but they may have to vote from CA or NY...

I'd say part of the problem for Dems there might also be that absentee ranch owner and celebrity ski lodge owners might not be fans of Trump the man or Boebert either, but they're fine with Republican tax policy so they just vote a straight R every time and go on about their business.

People doing that will eventually help pull down the curtain on this version of the GOP as their side of the House fills up with cretinous anti-government clowns --finally subject to removal when a district misses out on some enterprise or social service opportunity and NOTICES it-- but in the meantime what can you do. The right-leaning populists and the hold-nose-and-vote-R crowd are enough in a sparsely populated area to make a majority that dwindles but is still above the waterline for insisting on having a perpetual pool party in the House.

The people in the other 2/3 of Colorado do tend to represent more promise for Democrats. There are probably enough D-leaners in CO-3 to defeat an incumbent like Boebert, but reaching them will have been really expensive or just geographically difficult. Anyone who says right now that they know Frisch can flip this seat blue is probably lying.
Yup, on one hand, you’d think the GOP would want it to be easy for their base to vote, with mail-in and other methods. But when you consider most of the population doesn’t vote Republican and their politics aren’t popular, douchebags with guns hanging out near drop boxes starts to make sense.

Seems they did.

Total Congressional Votes:

GOP - 52,132,213 (51.7%)

DEM - 47,127,174 (46.8%)

Yup, on one hand, you’d think the GOP would want it to be easy for their base to vote, with mail-in and other methods. But when you consider most of the population doesn’t vote Republican and their politics aren’t popular, douchebags with guns hanging out near drop boxes starts to make sense.

Seems they did.

Total Congressional Votes:

GOP - 52,132,213 (51.7%)

DEM - 47,127,174 (46.8%)

Seems they did.

"So far..." and don't forget that "so much winning" is district by district. A win in a purple district is more significant an indicator of "drift" towards one or the other party than is a win in a safe red or blue district.

Grand totals are about as meaningful for congressional representation as saying that China still has more people than India. Happens to be true but India will pass China in 2027... and, uh... so what? Says nothing about how people are getting by or getting along (or not) in any of the individual provinces or cities of either aggregated population.

And to get back to the status of the 2022 races, the Ds always have higher mail-in / drop-box totals...
In my neck of the woods, Patriot Front are out protesting a drag club in Chattanooga.

It's pretty dumb.

Oh, great. Well they are just warming up in case they have to go down into Georgia to help defend the Herschel Walker supporters' presumed GOP-given sacred right to declare fraud and make a scene if Warnock wins the runoff and is re-elected.

Speaking of nasty extremist groups, did you see the meme of the before and after on that 1/6 resister... "support has consequences".

before and after 1:6.jpg

Oh, great. Well they are just warming up in case they have to go down into Georgia to help defend the Herschel Walker supporters' presumed GOP-given sacred right to declare fraud and make a scene if Warnock wins the runoff and is re-elected.

They better have some more members in reserve if that's their intention. Right now, it's just 10 guys in masks, and they're not doing too well controlling the 8 people waving gay pride flags at them from across the street.

Right now, I'm debating on whether this is funny, or just sad.
When i lived in Monroe, the shofar punk rock from Kiryas Joel usedsed to keep me up at night.

!! Isn't that at least five or six miles?

(I used to call nearby Chester my home away from home when commuting from NYC to Catskllls as often as three round trips a week in the late 80s.)
!! Isn't that at least five or six miles?

(I used to call nearby Chester my home away from home when commuting from NYC to Catskllls as often as three round trips a week in the late 80s.)
About 3 miles from the edge of KY to McGarrah Road where I lived.

Very familiar with Chester, though mostly i just drove through it on the way to the mall in Middletown.