The 2022 Midterms

Yeah, Hobbs may have built just enough of a padding before these Maricopa drops that Lake can’t catch her. It’s still going to be close, but Lake would need the last batch of ballots to break for her in a very high percentage, far more than what we’ve been seeing.
Looking ahead to the December runoff election for US Senate in Georgia between incumbent Raphael Warnock and Republican challenger Herschel Walker. Thought about putting this in a separate thread but it is after all part of the 2022 midterms.

Anyway check this out. One of the usual days of early voting for the Dec 6 runoff will be eliminated because of a state law about voting and holidays. Piece in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, likely paywalled.

Early voting won’t be allowed on a Saturday before the U.S. Senate runoff in Georgia because it’s the day after the state holiday formerly known as Robert E. Lee’s Birthday and two days after Thanksgiving.

Georgia election officials said this weekend that state law prohibits in-person early voting on Saturdays if a holiday is within two days beforehand.

The restriction on Saturday voting leaves five days of required in-person early voting on the weekdays before the Dec. 6 runoffs. County governments will have the option to offer up to three more early voting days starting the day after the results of the initial election are certified, potentially on the Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Sunday afterward.

Before general and primary elections, Georgia law requires at least 17 days of in-person early voting, including two mandatory Saturdays and two optional Sundays. In runoffs, five days of early voting are mandated. Early voting is prohibited the weekend before election day.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia disagreed with the secretary of state’s interpretation of state law, saying language preventing Saturday voting was only meant to apply to the three-week early voting period before regularly scheduled elections.

“Jim Crow still exists here,” said Hillary Holley, executive director of the domestic worker organization Care in Action. “Fighting for counties to offer as many days and hours as legally possible is critical.”

In last year’s voting law, the Republican majority in the General Assembly shortened the runoff period following the defeats of Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in runoff elections on Jan. 5, 2021. The runoffs gave Democrats control of the U.S. Senate following wins by Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.

This year’s runoff features Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker after neither candidate won more than 50% of the vote in last week’s election.

Early voting will begin after counties complete an election audit this week and then Raffensperger certifies the results, which could occur as soon as Nov. 21, according to the secretary of state’s office.

Sigh. Nothing like making early voting complicated. So the get-out-vote effort for this runoff needs to include some kind of card to distribute to note the exact early voting days county by county. Hope they saved some ad money for these practical concerns.

I hadn't realized that in Georgia (after the Charleston, SC church shooting in 2015) the state had altered the names of two state holidays in their future official calendars, referring to them both going forward just as the date and "state holiday". One was formerly Confederate Memorial Day on April 27. The other was formerly celebrated as Robert E Lee Birthday and falls on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

In a 2015 interview the then governor of Georgia had this to say about removing the controversial former names of the two holidays while retaining them as days off in the official calendar: “It’s hopefully a good faith effort on the part of state government to lower the degree of debate and discussion, and to show that we are a state that has come a very long way," he said. "We are tolerant of a lot of things. But we will also protect our heritage. But this was not one of those areas where I thought it was necessary to keep those labels associated with the holiday.”
Well whaddya know?!

ya used to be a news reporter and dropped off into crazy land.

Yeah I don't get what happened to Kari Lake really. But she's one of millions who have ended up swearing by the guy. It's as if personal integrity or character simply don't matter after awhile of being around his alleged charisma, and yet the people who follow him, the media types who touted him, the Republicans who wanted something from him, all of them are people who also talk constantly about "values" and readily demonize non-Republicans over projected failings of character. And when confronted over Trump's issues, they excuse him. Sigh. It's so tiresome I stop bothering to wonder about it any more really.

There is just so much I don't understand about how people end up in thrall to this guy who is not about anyone but himself. What he does for you, if anything, always has a huge pricetag on it at the end. Mostly he wants you to love him because that helps fill up that terrible unloved empty place at his core. But he will take the love for granted, and turn on you viciously if you gainsay him on anything or swing much --even some!-- attention away from him towards yourself or to someone else. He made everyone crazy who worked for him in the White House or West Wing. He will throw anyone under the bus. He can't stop lying. He plotted to inflate his vote count in at least Georgia. He incited an attempt to overthrow his own government, hoping to retain the Presidency without the will of the people or the rule of law behind him. And there are people looking forward to his announcing another run for President?

Who the hell would put up with someone like that for very long, or at all? I just don't get it.
Another small batch of votes today and Hobbs continues her lead over Lake. Each time votes come in and Lake fails to eat into Hobbs lead, her chances go down. She marginally cut into Hobbs lead yesterday, but Hobbs is back up again.

Hoping we see the race called today or tomorrow.

*Lake loses! Called by NBC!

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To paraphrase Little Richard..

“You keep on lyin’ but you just can’t win,
Come back in four years and try it again.”

Trump-backed candidates may go 0-4 in statewide races in Arizona. It also almost cost them a couple of Republican congressional house seats. I think these elections are very good for democracy, because those who have been able to ride Trump’s coattails or avoid his taint altogether may try to back off some of the harsher rhetoric next time.

Republicans who whine that Hobbs was SoS while running for Governor… I hear their concerns, as I had the same when it happened in Georgia with Brian Kemp, but republicans also have made the election rules in that state. So while Lake will rail against the election process in Arizona, she can’t point the blame squarely at Hobbs or democrats. They’re being carried out under Republican-made rules and processes.
To paraphrase Little Richard..

“You keep on lyin’ but you just can’t win,
Come back in four years and try it again.”

Trump-backed candidates may go 0-4 in statewide races in Arizona. It also almost cost them a couple of Republican congressional house seats. I think these elections are very good for democracy, because those who have been able to ride Trump’s coattails or avoid his taint altogether may try to back off some of the harsher rhetoric next time.

Republicans who whine that Hobbs was SoS while running for Governor… I hear their concerns, as I had the same when it happened in Georgia with Brian Kemp, but republicans also have made the election rules in that state. So while Lake will rail against the election process in Arizona, she can’t point the blame squarely at Hobbs or democrats. They’re being carried out under Republican-made rules and processes.

Here’s to hoping that Trump picks Lake as his running mate.