The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

On a related note, Bud Light sales are still on the decline. Not just because of the bigot boycott, but also because of people who have no strong opinion about trans people but don’t care enough about crappy beer to risk getting accosted by bigots for purchasing it. But I realize that’s a little too nuanced for bigots and their epic win that accomplishes I don’t know what exactly.

Or maybe this was regular people who finally got tired of women being referred to as "birthing persons".
Budweiser is the crappiest of beers, but set that aside.
@Herdfan I admit I am not up to speed on the involved nuances of this controversy, but I’m curious who at Anheuser-Busch uses the term birthing person?

By most appearances, this is the homophobic Right’s reaction to a sponsored pride event and associated transgender hostility.
Not my outrage, I am not a woman.

At some point, and I think we are getting close, there is going to be a huge backlash at some of this. Women fought too long and too hard for equality to simply be reduced to birthing persons and persons with female genitalia.
Is this the driving issue behind the Right’s Bud boycott?
Is this the driving issue behind the Right’s Bud boycott?
An Instagram "influencer" (trans individual) received a Bud Light can (or cans) with her picture printed on. That was the extent of AB's involvement in the messaging: they never produced any ads or statements, they just did a small reach-out to a minority community. Some bubboids noticed this and got made a big deal over it. Because live and let live has apparently become not a thing (and, if they really feel that way, maybe those people need … uh, nevermind).
Budweiser is the crappiest of beers, but set that aside.
@Herdfan I admit I am not up to speed on the involved nuances of this controversy, but I’m curious who at Anheuser-Busch uses the term birthing person?

Not A-B that I know of, but instead how about the Biden Administration:

Is this the driving issue behind the Right’s Bud boycott?

Not that I am aware of. The Bud Light boycott stemmed from partnering with Dylan Mulvaney who was celebrating a 1 year of being a "woman". It's one thing to accept trans people, it is another to have it front and center everywhere you go.
It's time to stop entertaining these Conservative terrorists and take action, enough is enough.


Are you sure about this? Maybe it wasn't a conservative?
Not A-B that I know of, but instead how about the Biden Administration:

Not that I am aware of. The Bud Light boycott stemmed from partnering with Dylan Mulvaney who was celebrating a 1 year of being a "woman". It's one thing to accept trans people, it is another to have it front and center everywhere you go.
I’m confused because you brought this up in this thread. How do you feel about the makers of Bud Light?

There should be no doubt in anyone’s minds at this point that The GOP and Right Wing America DO NOT believe in live and let live. They believe in persecuting anyone who does not live within their projected moral straight jacket and even that is suspected to just be part of a power play to keep Bubba and the other Koolaid drinkers on the orange juice and voting for the new Fascist States of America of which they hope to be in charge of.. :mad:
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Because live and let live has apparently become not a thing

And most would be fine if it stopped there. But it hasn't.

Why did Target feel the need to put all the Pride merch right in the front of the store? Look at this shirt:


This is not going to fly in the Bible Belt based more on the Satan part than the Trans part.
And most would be fine if it stopped there. But it hasn't.

Why did Target feel the need to put all the Pride merch right in the front of the store? Look at this shirt:

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This is not going to fly in the Bible Belt based more on the Satan part than the Trans part.
How about a link that show this as part of the Gay/Trans Pride movement? And on display at Target? Of note, I’m not a fan of Satan but maybe someone can explain what this image means?
I’m confused because you brought this up in this thread. How do you feel about the makers of Bud Light?

Let me start off by saying I think ALL marketers and marketing departments need to just go away. All of them. They have a tendency to screw up good products and companies.

That said, A-B, or InBev has many "brands" of beer. But you have to know your target audience. The marketing exec who did this wanted Bud Light to be less "fratty". WTF? That is what it is, that is who drinks it. To do anything to alienate the customer base is plan stupid, especially considering there are any number of other corporate brands they could have done this with. Is it so bad to have a redneck brand along side Stella?

So I am laughing my ass off at this mostly because some marketing exec is being punished, like they all should be. As for Target, did they not see what just happened to Bud Light? A 6th grader could have predicted this.
Are you sure about this? Maybe it wasn't a conservative?
"It"? There have been multiple bomb threats, and no, I don't think Democrats who support LGBTQ people are threatening to kill people because Target is selling wigs to men. Conservative terrorism has grown to astronomical levels over the last couple of years.
Why did Target feel the need to put all the Pride merch right in the front of the store? Look at this shirt:
Yeah, that is a muddy message. It does not look like a pro-trans message to me, with those healing crystals there. It looks more like a RW/Xtian message.
Why did Target feel the need to put all the Pride merch right in the front of the store?
Because your people threatened to bomb them, that's why. IMO we need to pull out the national guard and respond to every last one of these terrorists.

That shirt does not justify your terrorism.
How about a link that show this as part of the Gay/Trans Pride movement? And on display at Target? Of note, I’m not a fan of Satan but maybe someone can explain what this image means?

Sometimes I hate online news.

It seems that particular shirt is from the designer/brand that Target used, but that particular shirt was not sold in Target.

So my bad. I apologize.
Yeah, that is a muddy message. It does not look like a pro-trans message to me, with those healing crystals there. It looks more like a RW/Xtian message.
Who cares what it says, fuck these people and their fragile snowflake egos. If they want to protest it, then protest it, but they're threatening people's lives.

Anyone who stands by the results of these items being pulled because of threats of murder is no better than those making the threats themselves. @Herdfan man you can be a real disappointment sometimes man. We should all be denouncing terrorism at all levels.
"It"? There have been multiple bomb threats, and no, I don't think Democrats who support LGBTQ people are threatening to kill people because Target is selling wigs to men. Conservative terrorism has grown to astronomical levels over the last couple of years

OIO Cleveland 19 News received a bomb threat Friday afternoon against four Target stores in Ohio and a store in Monaca, Pennsylvania purportedly from a person or persons angry over Target Corporation’s decision to remove some of the LGBTQ+ Merch after a series of threats and physical threats against its retail clerks and staff in several southern states earlier this week.

Now this quote is froma story in the Los Angeles Blade which bills itself as Southern California's LGBT+ News Source.

So if they are willing to publish that it wasn't some conservative nutjob, then maybe it wasn't.

.Anyone who stands by the results of these items being pulled because of threats of murder is no better than those making the threats themselves. @Herdfan man you can be a real disappointment sometimes man. We should all be denouncing terrorism at all levels.

I hope you are as willing to denounce it as vehemently when it might be friendly fire as you are when you think it was a conservative.
OIO Cleveland 19 News received a bomb threat Friday afternoon against four Target stores in Ohio and a store in Monaca, Pennsylvania purportedly from a person or persons angry over Target Corporation’s decision to remove some of the LGBTQ+ Merch after a series of threats and physical threats against its retail clerks and staff in several southern states earlier this week.

Now this quote is froma story in the Los Angeles Blade which bills itself as Southern California's LGBT+ News Source.

So if they are willing to publish that it wasn't some conservative nutjob, then maybe it wasn't.

I hope you are as willing to denounce it as vehemently when it might be friendly fire as you are when you think it was a conservative.
But it’s Conservative who are committing these acts of terror. It’s like the mass shooting with the trans guy behind the trigger. You all went ballistic over it, all while ignoring and defending the 99.999% of them that are white and Conservative. I won’t play your “but what about the only outlier” game.

Would love to see you actually care for the lives of these children, regardless of their killers instead of always making it political.
They're just lucky they aren't selling gay pride merchandise or Republicans would have to step in.

Rampant child sexual abuse is occurring in churches — not at drag shows​

A new report alleges widespread sexual abuse by the Catholic clergy in Illinois. Will conservatives call for a ban on minors in churches?
Not that I am aware of. The Bud Light boycott stemmed from partnering with Dylan Mulvaney who was celebrating a 1 year of being a "woman". It's one thing to accept trans people, it is another to have it front and center everywhere you go.
Front and center? Sorry, dude, but you have your facts confused (again). The can with Dylan’s picture were never sold anywhere. So that rather leaves them…in the closet?

Front and center is happening only in your mind.