The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

If America elects him again then this is exactly what they must want, if nothing else Trump is honest and transparent about his plans. Top priority will be unmitigated and legal revenge, not sure if he'll even serve the people as it's never really been his goal.
he had never seaed before the US served him like a cheap hooker.
Short of Nixon, I'm not sure any other president of our lifetimes would have ever needed such immunity, let alone abused their power in such a way. It's like they've tailored all these laws to allow Trump specifically to get away with everything he's been accused of.

The only silver lining in this current crisis is that it is crystal clear that Trump is only doing all this to enrich himself and save his own ass, period. It’s pathetically obvious to most. This might just save us… this round.
The only silver lining in this current crisis is that it is crystal clear that Trump is only doing all this to enrich himself and save his own ass, period. It’s pathetically obvious to most. This might just save us… this round.
Agreed. What is so hard to swallow is those pushing him ahead in the polls are fully aware of it but plan on voting for him anyway, I mean in the end if it's the will of the people then they're knowingly getting exactly what they ask for.
Let it not be said the liberal media is in the pocket for Joe Biden, he’s getting ripped to shreds. I’ve never seen pressure put on Trump like this from republicans - not even after J6 - and Biden’s crime is being old.

It’s a healthy discussion, it’s just crazy how different the coverage is on the left vs. the right. If there was a left-wing equal to Fox, we’d still be talking about just how much Biden dominated in his perfect, youthful performance.
Let it not be said the liberal media is in the pocket for Joe Biden, he’s getting ripped to shreds.

Do they have a choice? By now most Americans have seen what happened Thursday night.

If they cover for him it will remove any trust left in the media.

Plus I think the thinking goes something like “Biden can’t beat Trump now, so we need to force him out and get someone who has a chance. “

I assure you this is not being done for Trump’s benefit.
Do they have a choice? By now most Americans have seen what happened Thursday night.

If they cover for him it will remove any trust left in the media.

Plus I think the thinking goes something like “Biden can’t beat Trump now, so we need to force him out and get someone who has a chance. “

I assure you this is not being done for Trump’s benefit.

It's simply highly respected and trusted news outlets reporting the truth. I can't imagine any of the news sources I read everyday trying to cover it over. It's what good journalism is about.

Just because right wing "news" sources routinely bend over for trump, doesn't mean that normal and unbiased news sources would ever bend over for Biden.

It's also why many non-republicans don't have a problem being objective (and critical when necessary) of Biden. Its a shame there are few real Republicans (noticed I capitalized that), such as Judge Luttig, who are not afraid to hold tump accountable.
Let it not be said the liberal media is in the pocket for Joe Biden, he’s getting ripped to shreds. I’ve never seen pressure put on Trump like this from republicans - not even after J6 - and Biden’s crime is being old.

It’s a healthy discussion, it’s just crazy how different the coverage is on the left vs. the right. If there was a left-wing equal to Fox, we’d still be talking about just how much Biden dominated in his perfect, youthful performance.

Just for shits and giggles, the day after the debates I checked both the CNN and the Fox sites and there were far more articles bagging on Biden including saying he needs to dop out on CNN than there was on Fox.
Do they have a choice? By now most Americans have seen what happened Thursday night.

If they cover for him it will remove any trust left in the media.

Plus I think the thinking goes something like “Biden can’t beat Trump now, so we need to force him out and get someone who has a chance. “

I assure you this is not being done for Trump’s benefit.
Except Fox news and <insert every right wing news outlet here> will not mention the countless times Trump has lost it. Where is the calls for him to step down?
Do they have a choice? By now most Americans have seen what happened Thursday night.

If they cover for him it will remove any trust left in the media.

Plus I think the thinking goes something like “Biden can’t beat Trump now, so we need to force him out and get someone who has a chance. “

I assure you this is not being done for Trump’s benefit.

Not disagreeing about the Biden point, but since we are comparing, exactly how many legal cases does Trump have to lose before conservative media considers the possibility that he is a criminal? Traditionally losing every case to date would cause that conclusion but apparently losing all cases isn’t good enough. I guess he had whatever the legal version of a “cold” is every day on every case.
Not disagreeing about the Biden point, but since we are comparing, exactly how many legal cases does Trump have to lose before conservative media considers the possibility that he is a criminal? Traditionally losing every case to date would cause that conclusion but apparently losing all cases isn’t good enough. I guess he had whatever the legal version of a “cold” is every day on every case.

I can try to answer that for you.

Maybe no one on the right believes the cases to be legit. I mean, how many people have 2 Misdemeanors that were out of the Statute of Limitations elevated to 34 Felonies? Really? No citizen not named Trump would have ever had that happen to them. If someone can provide a cite, I will stand corrected.

And let's look at the classified documents case. Trump had them and Biden had them. Regardless of how each handled the case with authorities, the actual crime is the same.

Did they have documents they were not supposed to have? Yes.

Is it a crime? Yes!

Were they treated in a similar fashion? No!

And the public sees that. And in some ways Biden having them is worse since he was NEVER authorized to have them from when he was a Senator. Possibly not as VP, but certainly not as a Senator. So either he skated because 1) he was the President or 2) as Hur noted, he wasn't fit to stand trial. Neither is a good look.
Regardless of how each handled the case with authorities, the actual crime is the same.

How each decided to handle the case with the authorities is why one got off with a slap on the wrist, while the other got nailed to the wall.

That's like saying "well, if you ignore the multiple hit and runs that happened after he took that shortcut through the mall, he wasn't doing anything more than speeding, and people do that all the time without getting manslaughter charges."
How each decided to handle the case with the authorities is why one got off with a slap on the wrist, while the other got nailed to the wall.

But the underlying crimes, having classified documents, is EXACTLY the same.

And it is just speculation that his cooperation is why he didn’t get charged. It may also be he came across as unfit to stand trial.

You can compare them all you want, but a good portion of the citizens of this country believe the prosecution of Trump is political.
And let's look at the classified documents case. Trump had them and Biden had them. Regardless of how each handled the case with authorities, the actual crime is the same.

Did they have documents they were not supposed to have? Yes.

Is it a crime? Yes!

Were they treated in a similar fashion? No!
Your mean the circumstances under which a crime is committed and the facts of a case make no difference? The documents Biden had were returned promptly, while Trump kept classified material strewn about Mar-a-Lago and refused to return them. Factors like this are commonly taken into account when decisions about punishment are made.
But the underlying crimes, having classified documents, is EXACTLY the same.

Yeah, and if Trump cooperated like Biden did, he wouldn't have been charged.

There was a full year that the FBI and NARA constantly contacted Trump regarding the documents, each time getting the run around, before they finally had enough, and raided Mar-a-lago. Even then, during all that, he continued to hide documents, and lie about his possession of them.

Don't even pretend that they treated Trump unfairly relative to Biden. They didn't.

You can compare them all you want, but a good portion of the citizens of this country believe the prosecution of Trump is political.

And they'd continue believing it's political even if God himself showed up, and declared Trump guilty. It doesn't matter what they think. There's nothing that will change their minds concerning someone who they almost believe is the second coming of Jesus. The simple fact is that the only reason he was treated "unfairly" was because he continually lied.
Factors like this are commonly taken into account when decisions about punishment are made.

Yes, punishments are different. But that is just how our society works for better or worse. Some people get punished for things other walk away from.

Do you think OJ was innocent? Or will he always be a killer in your mind? Even though he walked?

The underlying crime remains the same. So in my mind Biden is just as much a criminal as Trump.

Poor people get mad when a rich person skates on a similar crime. Black people get mad when a white guy gets off while a Black man goes to jail. It doesn’t mean the person who got off didn’t do the same crime.
And they'd continue believing it's political even if God himself showed up and declared Trump guilty. It doesn't matter what they think. There's nothing that will change their minds concerning someone who they almost believe is the second coming of Jesus.

It 100% matters what they think. They vote and if they believe their guy is getting hosed while the other guy skates, it is going to be reflected in their vote and support.

It would be exactly the same if the tables were turned.
He's been called on this more times than I can remember on this site, you'll get no response because he simply can't defend it.

I can absolutely defend it. Cooperation during the investigative phase doesn’t change the underlying crime.

It may, and has, change the disposition, but it doesn’t change the crime.

I will happily listen if you can explain how the underlying crimes, having classified documents they weren’t supposed to have, are different.