The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

There are a lot of big names dying in the last few days. Also, this guy. I used to enjoy him before he turned hard-right.

Instead of RIP, I’d say BIH for burn in hell. Not because he was a conservative, but because he bought into conspiracy theories like Obama birtherism after many years as a respected journalist.
At least Fox News pretends to be fair and balanced.

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Don’t fully understand the “mass deportation” mindset since we continue to struggle with staffing lower wage jobs that some immigrants would do. Add falling birth rates and SS under constant threat, it all makes no sense to me.
Don’t fully understand the “mass deportation” mindset since we continue to struggle with staffing lower wage jobs that some immigrants would do. Add falling birth rates and SS under constant threat, it all makes no sense to me.
They used to be more nuanced about this sort of thing but they're emboldened by Trump backed by a MAGA SCOTUS, so they're taking a more totalitarian approach. If we give these guys the keys to the kingdom democracy will die.
They used to be more nuanced about this sort of thing but they're emboldened by Trump backed by a MAGA SCOTUS, so they're taking a more totalitarian approach. If we give these guys the keys to the kingdom democracy will die.
Yeah, if The Donald could kill democracy I’m certain he’d do exactly that (Herdfan would vote for him nonetheless) but how does that happen legally, I wonder? We should start talking specifics if this is a real thing.
Yeah, if The Donald could kill democracy I’m certain he’d do exactly that (Herdfan would vote for him nonetheless) but how does that happen legally, I wonder? We should start talking specifics if this is a real thing.
Well, TBH I'm a little torn on this one because if he wins the election then it implies those who voted for him are aware that me may do just that. I mean he's explicitly said he would on many occasions, he wouldn't accept defeat, he's a known felon, etc. but they still may vote for this guy.

At that point I blame the American people, not necessarily Trump and this is why I have a hard time trying to be patriotic in any way, I refuse to fly a flag and have never been more ashamed of my country. If he's elected again the hope would be that we will have another election in 4 years but the fear is all of that has a very good chance of going away in favor of a legally accepted dictatorship.
Pertinent to policy? No, the GOP has none. Pertinent to the quality of people we’re dealing with? Yeah, I think so.

In the video selfie, the father-daughter duo were getting their hair and makeup done on Wednesday, just before Kai made her political debut at the Republican National Convention with a speech praising her grandfather, former President Donald Trump.

“Kai, what do you think,” Don Jr. asked his daughter. “[Does] getting makeup make me look sexy like you?”

She responded, “I think you look very beautiful.”

“Thank you, Kai. I’m glad you think I look very beautiful,” said Don Jr. “I don’t do this often, but in HD, you better do it!”
Yeah, if The Donald could kill democracy I’m certain he’d do exactly that (Herdfan would vote for him nonetheless) but how does that happen legally, I wonder? We should start talking specifics if this is a real thing.
Project 2025 is pretty much a blow by blow of how they intend to do it and their vision for the US. A lot of it boils down to replacing people in government all the way down the line with political appointees, defunding parts of the government that help oversee or regulate itself, and placing legal and mob pressure on elections themselves - to “ensure correctness” of course.
Well, TBH I'm a little torn on this one because if he wins the election then it implies those who voted for him are aware that me may do just that. I mean he's explicitly said he would on many occasions, he wouldn't accept defeat, he's a known felon, etc. but they still may vote for this guy.

At that point I blame the American people, not necessarily Trump and this is why I have a hard time trying to be patriotic in any way, I refuse to fly a flag and have never been more ashamed of my country. If he's elected again the hope would be that we will have another election in 4 years but the fear is all of that has a very good chance of going away in favor of a legally accepted dictatorship.
Yup. And this something few if any want to talk about out loud - even the most anti-Trump commentators in the media. Condemn Trump of course, but few want to say how damning this is for us as a nation. Even if the polls are wrong or don’t represent the state of play by November and the Democrats win, the fact that it is at all close means the American experiment is sickly if not on life support. Too many people actively want this or are at least willing to accept it. Some people are too optimistic that this ends with Trump. It doesn’t. That cults have difficulty replacing their leadership misunderstands just how far this malignancy has grown beyond his particular cult of personality. Even if Democracy wins in November we’ll be dealing with this for a very, very long time.
Don’t fully understand the “mass deportation” mindset since we continue to struggle with staffing lower wage jobs that some immigrants would do. Add falling birth rates and SS under constant threat, it all makes no sense to me.

They're just racists. Every far right movement throughout history has been about fear of change and immigrants spoon fed to the masses by the wealthy. Originally the right was about protecting the rights and influence of the wealthy but they quickly discovered the wealthy doesn't have the numbers to win elections. So they had to concoct reasons and scapegoats to win over the less wealthy to their side. Rinse and repeat.
Don’t fully understand the “mass deportation” mindset since we continue to struggle with staffing lower wage jobs that some immigrants would do. Add falling birth rates and SS under constant threat, it all makes no sense to me.

It’s racism masquerading as concern over illegal immigration.

You notice they attack people showing up at legal ports of entry for asylum - that is legal. It’s not illegal to show up and ask for help. The MAGA agenda is an attack on immigration - not illegal immigration.

This is an attack on brown people. You can see it everyday on YouTube - rando conservatives attacking brown people for no reason and telling them to go back to Mexico or their own country - even if these people and their families have been here for more generations than the racist making a scene and their family. There’s probably a lot of Hispanic people walking around who’s families have been here longer than the Trump family.

Immigrant trophy wives seem ok, however.
It’s racism masquerading as concern over illegal immigration.

You notice they attack people showing up at legal ports of entry for asylum - that is legal. It’s not illegal to show up and ask for help. The MAGA agenda is an attack on immigration - not illegal immigration.

This is an attack on brown people. You can see it everyday on YouTube - rando conservatives attacking brown people for no reason and telling them to go back to Mexico or their own country - even if these people and their families have been here for more generations than the racist making a scene and their family. There’s probably a lot of Hispanic people walking around who’s families have been here longer than the Trump family.

Immigrant trophy wives seem ok, however.

Spot-on. I'd just add that while that racism is intrinsic (being passed on by their parents), what they're also worried about is brown people becoming US citizens, starting families, and then voting D in elections.
How will the bigots that comprise the GOP react? Vance is not going to make it to November.

Carpetbagger Vance has tried being all things to all people depending on the room he’s in. Another faker, probably not even really a conservative, just playing the role like Trump. Man, these people get swindled by the most obvious of conmen. You could sell them your feces barehanded if you told them it was previously owned by a little old lady who only took it to church once a week.

Was he an asshole pretending to be a nice guy, or is he a nice guy portraying a bigoted, sexist asshole?

And in 2016, when Vance published his Hillbilly Elegy, he sent Nelson an extract on email and said: “Hey Sofes, here’s an excerpt from my book. I send this to you not just to brag, but because I’m sure if you read it you’ll notice reference to ‘an extremely progressive lesbian.’ I recognize now that this may not accurately reflect how you think of yourself, and for that I am really sorry,” he wrote. “I hope you’re not offended, but if you are, I’m sorry! Love you, JD.”

How will the bigots that comprise the GOP react? Vance is not going to make it to November.

Carpetbagger Vance has tried being all things to all people depending on the room he’s in. Another faker, probably not even really a conservative, just playing the role like Trump. Man, these people get swindled by the most obvious of conmen. You could sell them your feces barehanded if you told them it was previously owned by a little old lady who only took it to church once a week.

Was he an asshole pretending to be a nice guy, or is he a nice guy portraying a bigoted, sexist asshole?

And in 2016, when Vance published his Hillbilly Elegy, he sent Nelson an extract on email and said: “Hey Sofes, here’s an excerpt from my book. I send this to you not just to brag, but because I’m sure if you read it you’ll notice reference to ‘an extremely progressive lesbian.’ I recognize now that this may not accurately reflect how you think of yourself, and for that I am really sorry,” he wrote. “I hope you’re not offended, but if you are, I’m sorry! Love you, JD.”

Who ever would volunteer to be the Shitty Second, who’d bring some appeal to the MAGOTs from some other corner? Maybe Nikki Haley, nope rejected as not being a man ;), or some Uncle Tom who wants to be a member of the Club, but I don’t see the faithful accepting him.
Don’t fully understand the “mass deportation” mindset since we continue to struggle with staffing lower wage jobs that some immigrants would do. Add falling birth rates and SS under constant threat, it all makes no sense to me.
In a short phrase: hateful, liberal boogey men imagining, short sighted morons.

This similarity was news to me. "Presidential elections: Hitler loses the spring 1932 presidential election by 6 million votes, then goes to court to have the results overturned amid claims of voter fraud and irregularities by state officials. Trump loses the 2020 U.S. presidential election by 7 million popular votes and 74 electoral votes (306 to 232), then goes to court amid claims voter fraud and irregularities by state officials to have the results overturned. In both instances, the cases were dismissed out of hand."

This similarity was news to me. "Presidential elections: Hitler loses the spring 1932 presidential election by 6 million votes, then goes to court to have the results overturned amid claims of voter fraud and irregularities by state officials. Trump loses the 2020 U.S. presidential election by 7 million popular votes and 74 electoral votes (306 to 232), then goes to court amid claims voter fraud and irregularities by state officials to have the results overturned. In both instances, the cases were dismissed out of hand."
On the bright side, Trump is 30x dumber than Hitler on his dumbest day. I think Hitler read a book on occasion.

This similarity was news to me. "Presidential elections: Hitler loses the spring 1932 presidential election by 6 million votes, then goes to court to have the results overturned amid claims of voter fraud and irregularities by state officials. Trump loses the 2020 U.S. presidential election by 7 million popular votes and 74 electoral votes (306 to 232), then goes to court amid claims voter fraud and irregularities by state officials to have the results overturned. In both instances, the cases were dismissed out of hand."

That was a great article.