The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

Pretty spot on for WV.

Sometimes our beliefs aren't even rooted in ideology, but personal experience.

If you are bored and want something to watch that is a moving train wreck, check out the documentary American Hollow. While not set in WV, it might as well have been as it is set in similar coal fields in KY. It follows an extended family who are all on welfare and have not one lick of motivation among all of them when it comes to bettering their situation.

Free on YouTube:

No need to watch the whole thing. And yes, I went to school with people from families just like that and I was considered "rich" because we lived in a "brick" house.

Excuse my geography ignorance, but the episode I mostly referenced he went through Kentucky and either Virginia or West Virginia…whichever is closer. :ROFLMAO: He also interviewed some coal miner families and they had zero interest in their kids continuing in that industry if at all possible. They weren’t fossil fuel worshippers who will fight for it to their dying breath. It's just the jobs available in those areas for generations. If anything, the only reason they wouldn't want it to go away is because it's not being replaced with something else...or at least not fast enough.

As an aside, I recently went on a random road trip into the Santa Cruz hills south of SF and as we drove deeper I swore we entered Appalachia with well spaced out mobile homes surrounded by tall weed yards, dilapidated barbed wire fences, and an auction blocks worth of old cars on cinder blocks. We quipped that we were driving deeper and deeper into a horror movie. We even ended up at some weird religous group compound at one point and quickly backed out as the gathering stopped what they were doing to all look at us.
Election interference is the main reason they're going after it.

Election interference is the cover story they’re hiding behind. Like you even said, Musk’s Twitter is top tier election disinformation and Congress is doing absolutely nothing about it.

We were at war in the middle east for two decades and yet heard or saw very little misconduct. Now you can believe we are almost statistically impossible gentlemen in warfare and Israelis are moralless unconstraint monsters, or maybe look at the fact that all popular social media services at the time were American owned.
In that region, state lines mean little to nothing. People all seem to have the same general attitude about most things.

People are often surprised to hear or see how many conservatives, from sane to MAGA, we have in CA.

On the more beaten path sections of our Santa Cruz hills trip it felt very Hallmark small town America which I really appreciated. We even went to a local play I found myself thinking how great it would be to be raised there and return for the holidays or maybe for retirement while just being a 30 minute drive away from the high pay and tech of Silicon Valley. A lot of people who moved to the Bay Area for the jobs and luxuries have to hop on a plane to return to their small home town and those (hopefully positive) vibes lacking in the cities.
Him I have a bit of sympathy for. He’s an idiot but so was I at his age, the internet would have ruined me.

Eh, he’s made a name for himself off shooting and killing two people unnecessarily. He’s made white supremacist signs and has warmed up to that part of the Trump base.

He’s young, we’ll see where he is a few years, but I have little sympathy for people who willingly embed themselves in that culture. He’s free to log off anytime and try to have some privacy.

I especially don’t have sympathy for those who haven’t realized MAGA is a cult.
Eh, he’s made a name for himself off shooting and killing two people unnecessarily. He’s made white supremacist signs and has warmed up to that part of the Trump base.

He’s young, we’ll see where he is a few years, but I have little sympathy for people who willingly embed themselves in that culture. He’s free to log off anytime and try to have some privacy.

I especially don’t have sympathy for those who haven’t realized MAGA is a cult.

Yeah, but at that age, I was stupid, not a murderer.
I can’t argue against your points, my sympathy isn’t rational.

This similarity was news to me. "Presidential elections: Hitler loses the spring 1932 presidential election by 6 million votes, then goes to court to have the results overturned amid claims of voter fraud and irregularities by state officials. Trump loses the 2020 U.S. presidential election by 7 million popular votes and 74 electoral votes (306 to 232), then goes to court amid claims voter fraud and irregularities by state officials to have the results overturned. In both instances, the cases were dismissed out of hand."

Part 2 of the interview.

"Joseph Goebbels observed, “The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction.”
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Busted lying with her faux outrage.

I personally paid off my College loans (not much at the time), and I recently paid off my daughter's college loan. She ended up having to contribute 30 - 40% of the loan, I covered the rest.

Some key points before they go to college, have a frank discussion with your child. 1. Agree ahead the maximum debt they will have upon graduation. 2. If they are offered a Pell Grant take it, and return some of the loan (if possible). 3. Pay the interest while they are in school, so they don't have the debt + accrued interest.

Having said all that, I totally am fine with loan forgiveness. Most people just "click" the agree button and don't read what they are agreeing to. I would also argue that the financial institutions make it almost impossible for the average person to comprehend what they are agreeing to. They should dumb it down for people. The repaying terms should never in debt a person for more than 10 years, you could convince me on a 12 year plan but no more. College education should be free for at least 2 years, and I would like to see 4 years.
I would also argue that the financial institutions make it almost impossible for the average person to comprehend what they are agreeing to.

The law should give particular weight to the first paragraph of a contract, slightly less weight to the second, on down the pages, to where the 423rd paragraph is treated almost like commentary rather than stricture.
Couldn't find a video that doesn't include a lot of commentary but I think a description will cover it. Some guy in a suit, not sure if they are a political or religious leader, said in an interview Democrats call Republicans weird because they are possessed by a demonic spirit. :ROFLMAO: Dude, thanks for the proving the point. Please tell us more.