The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

It’s a good breakdown of similar political atmosphere, rhetoric, and tactics. It’s well beyond “Oh, so just because he’s pro white people and anti-immigrant you think that makes him Hitler?!?”.

I would love for someone to say that to me in real life so I could expose them as a closeted racist and xenophobe… and a stupid individual as well.
What race does Trump think Carpetbagger Vance’s kids are? Why is the guy who’s changed his name three times and has been a never-Trumper and a MAGA creep calling Harris a “chameleon”?
#1 reason people give for not having kids - "We can't afford them".

The nation's poorest (coincidently red) states - "We're banning abortions!"

That's just some top level thinking there. Responding to problems by compounding them. Vote Republican! You can still blame the opposing party that has little to no control in your state because you are also a top level thinker.
Reporter: (TFG) said he could have gotten the prisoners released without giving anything up.

Joe the President: Then why didn't he?

I could see the world's dictators doing a future President Trump some politically meaningless to them favors just so it will further our implosion internally and on the world stage at the hands of the slobbering idiots who worship him. Nobody could use some solid ROFLMAOs more than Putin right now. "I released that reporter for nothing and now Americans think this moron is a political genius. :ROFLMAO: Oh shit, I just peed my pants again. Should I send him some money to build that near useless wall and then send a bunch of immigrants on boats and planes? Wait, no. From Canada. :ROFLMAO:"

ACWORTH, GA—In an effort to prepare for a “devastating” outcome, terrified conservative Clayton Hawkins told reporters Wednesday that he was planning to move to 1930s Austria if Donald Trump lost the presidential election. “I swear to god, if Kamala Harris wins in November, you can bet I’m getting a one-way ticket to Vienna circa 1937,” said Hawkins, explaining that, under the worst case scenario in which Democrats remained in control of the White House, the Austrofascist state would provide sanctuary to him and others who feared for the safety of their pure Aryan families. “I know I may sound paranoid, but the fact of the matter is that relocating to a mid-century autocratic one-party state is the only way to ensure that my fellow citizens are violently suppressed for failing to conform to a strict set of oppressive dictates.” At press time, a tearful Hawkins sobbed while imagining his sons growing up in a place and time where they were considered equal to another race or gender.

I was thinking about the whole notion of more kids = more votes. Instead of fighting this, I would then suggest that those without kids could argue taxation without representation. So no kids less taxes. /s
I was thinking about the whole notion of more kids = more votes. Instead of fighting this, I would then suggest that those without kids could argue taxation without representation. So no kids less taxes. /s

If I were a conservative I’d say single people shouldn’t have to pay taxes that support local schools, but since I’m not I understand an educated population ultimately benefits even me. And luckily I live in a state that knows an educated population doesn’t mean Bible studies in any way, shape, or form.

I'm not mad about this, but the irony of child tax and dependents credits means parents are payinig less towards the programs and services that benefit kids. So that's also the childless subsidizing people with kids.
I'm not mad about this, but the irony of child tax and dependents credits means parents are payinig less towards the programs and services that benefit kids. So that's also the childless subsidizing people with kids.

Though, schools are largely funded through property taxes, for which there is no child credit.
Though, schools are largely funded through property taxes, for which there is no child credit.

But the conservative in me wants to believe I can just tick off specific things I don’t like and removing them from my personal taxes would defund them to absolute zero.

I want to believe refunding the percentage of my taxes that go towards welfare programs for the lazy would allow me to go from renting to buying a million dollar 850 sq. ft. house in Palo Alto, but the reality is I’d probably just be able to buy a large pizza. But with all the toppings!
But the conservative in me wants to believe I can just tick off specific things I don’t like and removing them from my personal taxes would defund them to absolute zero.

I want to believe refunding the percentage of my taxes that go towards welfare programs for the lazy would allow me to go from renting to buying a million dollar 850 sq. ft. house in Palo Alto, but the reality is I’d probably just be able to buy a large pizza. But with all the toppings!
Sounds great in principle, but what are the limits? My taxes fund many government services I know I'll never use, roads I'll never travel, places I'll never visit... it goes on and on. My kids attended public education though grade school, middle school, high school, and university. I wonder what the quality would have been had those institutions not been partially funded by people with no children. I agree welfare and similar programs shouldn't benefit people who are too lazy to work for themselves, but I accept that some public assistance will always be needed, just as I think we desperately need a system that provides healthcare for everyone.
The intelligence services in the US and UK reported there’s an increase in young men attracted to violence where the ideology behind it is almost inconsequential. They’ll sometimes research different groups with conflicting ideologies in search of the one that would give them the biggest opportunity for violence. That could at least partially explain the Trump shooter who donated to a Democrat aligned organization but then later shot at the guy who seems to share his worldview.

This isn’t exactly the Republican agenda but they are the party of “Do you distrust the government? Get a gun! Feel threatened by your neighbors directly or indirectly? Get a gun! Own anything of value? Get a gun! Are you a Christian? Get a gun! Have kids? Get a gun! Live in a rural area? Get a gun! Heard bad things about a city you live nowhere near? Get a gun! Live within 3,000 miles of the southern border? Get a gun! Are you a real American? Get a gun! Looking for something to spice up your family Christmas photo? Get a gun! Seen some people with guns? Get a gun! Can’t decide where to go to dinner? Get a gun! Already have a gun? Get another gun!”

Well, he got a gun.
I would argue that anyone dumb enough to fill out a form from Elon Musk is either brain dead or already a Republican, but still duping voters is their thing. Meanwhile, our government is hard at work banning TikTok AFTER the election for possible election interference that's never occurred. Priorities I guess.

I agree welfare and similar programs shouldn't benefit people who are too lazy to work for themselves

There’s a popular channel on YouTube where a guy goes around the country and interviews and spends time with the locals of areas that many have solid opinions about even though they’ve never been there. He doesn’t go there with an agenda or fire off a bunch of loaded questions and instead just lets them talk about their area and experience.

He’s partially dispelled a stereotype for me about white conservatives and their views on welfare. The stereotype is they’re just racists mad about lazy minorities getting assistance from their tax dollars, usually in the big cities. I’m sure there are some who feel that way, but from what I saw it’s a lot of white people mad at other white people living off welfare under dubious claims. They’re not talking about minorities in some far off city. They are talking about people they know. One young woman they interviewed said half the people she graduated high school with went straight to being on welfare claiming they are too depressed to work. For her part she was a fulltime employee at a pizzeria. Not on welfare but also not some town elitest overachiever. Even when the subject of welfare wasn’t specifically mentioned, people interviewed often speak of seeing their small town America neighbors and friends as uninspired or lazy. They aren’t raising their outrage fists towards the big city dwellers.
Meanwhile, our government is hard at work banning TikTok AFTER the election for possible election interference that's never occurred. Priorities I guess.

The TikTok ban isn’t about the Chinese or election interference. The lesson learned from Vietnam wasn’t that we shouldn’t get involved in foreign wars over differences in ideology. It was that the masses should never be exposed to facts on the ground. This is the highest priority of information gate keepers. Notice how the TikTok ban discussion really ramped up when all the videos in Gaza were dropping on TikTok? Romney even mentioned this dilemma in a speech. You could almost hear the “Oh shiiiiit, I just said the quiet part out loud” tone in his voice right after.

Similarly, the lesson learned by Republicans from Nixon wasn’t that the President shouldn’t commit crimes to give their party an advantage. It was that the President should never back down or lose support of the party after committing those crimes. And here we are.

He’s partially dispelled a stereotype for me about white conservatives and their views on welfare. The stereotype is they’re just racists mad about lazy minorities getting assistance from their tax dollars, usually in the big cities. I’m sure there are some who feel that way, but from what I saw it’s a lot of white people mad at other white people living off welfare under dubious claims. They’re not talking about minorities in some far off city. They are talking about people they know. One young woman they interviewed said half the people she graduated high school with went straight to being on welfare claiming they are too depressed to work. For her part she was a fulltime employee at a pizzeria. Not on welfare but also not some town elitest overachiever. Even when the subject of welfare wasn’t specifically mentioned, people interviewed often speak of seeing their small town America neighbors and friends as uninspired or lazy. They aren’t raising their outrage fists towards the big city dwellers.

Pretty spot on for WV.

Sometimes our beliefs aren't even rooted in ideology, but personal experience.

If you are bored and want something to watch that is a moving train wreck, check out the documentary American Hollow. While not set in WV, it might as well have been as it is set in similar coal fields in KY. It follows an extended family who are all on welfare and have not one lick of motivation among all of them when it comes to bettering their situation.

Free on YouTube:

No need to watch the whole thing. And yes, I went to school with people from families just like that and I was considered "rich" because we lived in a "brick" house.
The TikTok ban isn’t about the Chinese or election interference. The lesson learned from Vietnam wasn’t that we shouldn’t get involved in foreign wars over differences in ideology. It was that the masses should never be exposed to facts on the ground. This is the highest priority of information gate keepers. Notice how the TikTok ban discussion really ramped up when all the videos in Gaza were dropping on TikTok? Romney even mentioned this dilemma in a speech. You could almost hear the “Oh shiiiiit, I just said the quiet part out loud” tone in his voice right after.

Similarly, the lesson learned by Republicans from Nixon wasn’t that the President shouldn’t commit crimes to give their party an advantage. It was that the President should never back down or lose support of the party after committing those crimes. And here we are.
Election interference is the main reason they're going after it.