The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

I am going to embed this here tweet – no, on second thought, just a link, because I have no idea what a James Bradey is, and it is just too fucking painful.

He says that the East Coast is covered in smoke because female firefighters are incompetent, and worse, woke!
It has to make you reevaluate the intelligence of the “smartest” species on the planet. :unsure: :oops:
not the "quiet part", but definitely out loud

This past weekend marked … Turning Point USA’s annual Young Women’s Leadership Summit. Over the course of three days … a stacked roster of some of the worst people … offered some variation of the same speech imploring young attendees to give up their career aspirations and their birth control. The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens literally wrapped up the convention by telling attendees, “Every ill that we are fighting right now in society has been brought forth by women.”
Whenever a Republican politician gets interviewed the first question should be “Are you capable of answering a question without saying woke, radical left, or George Soros?”

After they issue their word salad deflection-laced defense of Trump the follow-up should be “Fascinating take. Do you ever get tired of Trump putting you in this position?”

I think Lindsey Graham is just a few interviews away from having an aneurysm.
This pretty much sums up the Republican party right now.

Presidential candidate Joe Exotic says he will not pardon Trump if elected: ‘He didn’t pardon me so I won’t pardon him’​

I notice a distinct difference between the way a Democrat politician answers a question and a Republican politician answers a question.


Q: What’s your response to all the abortion legislation being passed across the country?

A: We’re pro-reproductive rights and feel this difficult decision is best made between a woman and her doctor, not by the government.


Q: What did you have for breakfast?

A: The woke mob wants to destroy our country and way of life. The radical left hates America. Why is the DOJ not investigating the Biden crime family?...I’m trying to answer your question!....The Democrats want an open border so…let me finish!...The Soros backed Chinese biological male pronoun police on Hunter Biden’s laptop can take control! Eggs.
House Republiopaths seek to censure Adam Schiff

(FL's Anna Paulina) Luna’s censure would condemn and censure Schiff “for conduct that misleads the American people in a way that is not befitting an elected Member of the House of Representatives.” The legislation, which stretches four pages, zeroes in on allegations Schiff made about collusion between Russia and Trump’s team. It argues the California Democrat “abused” the trust he was afforded as chairman and ranking member of the Intelligence Committee, two roles he previously held.

Luna cites a report from special counsel John Durham that offered a scathing critique of the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s 2016 campaign. Republicans have frequently used the report, issued last month, to bolster their argument that federal agencies have been weaponized against them. “[Schiff] abused his position of authority, lied to the American people, cost American tax payers millions, and brought dishonor to our chamber” …

The resolution also said Schiff should be fined $16 million if the Ethics Committee, through an investigation, finds that the congressman “lied, made misrepresentations, and abused sensitive information.”
House Republiopaths seek to censure Adam Schiff

(FL's Anna Paulina) Luna’s censure would condemn and censure Schiff “for conduct that misleads the American people in a way that is not befitting an elected Member of the House of Representatives.” The legislation, which stretches four pages, zeroes in on allegations Schiff made about collusion between Russia and Trump’s team. It argues the California Democrat “abused” the trust he was afforded as chairman and ranking member of the Intelligence Committee, two roles he previously held.
Luna cites a report from special counsel John Durham that offered a scathing critique of the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s 2016 campaign. Republicans have frequently used the report, issued last month, to bolster their argument that federal agencies have been weaponized against them. “[Schiff] abused his position of authority, lied to the American people, cost American tax payers millions, and brought dishonor to our chamber” …
The resolution also said Schiff should be fined $16 million if the Ethics Committee, through an investigation, finds that the congressman “lied, made misrepresentations, and abused sensitive information.”
right I mean of course they never did such things. punishing him for such may be getting them looked at.
Bud Light has been dethroned from America’s top beer by….wait for it….Mexican beer Modelo. :ROFLMAO:

Anheuser-Busch also owns that brand. :ROFLMAO:

Great work their glue huffing patriots! Pat yourselves on the back. Maybe for your next trick you can champion the circular firing squad.

I get your point, but it isn't quite that simple.

Modelo didn't become the top beer by increasing sales, it did it because BL lost sales. Those are still lost sales picked up mainly by Lite and Coors Light, both other companies. AB/InBev is still down $27B in Market Cap.

Modelo taking the top spot surprised me. I would have guessed Lite or Corona being in 2nd. But Modelo does have some great ads.
I get your point, but it isn't quite that simple.

Modelo didn't become the top beer by increasing sales, it did it because BL lost sales. Those are still lost sales picked up mainly by Lite and Coors Light, both other companies. AB/InBev is still down $27B in Market Cap.

Modelo taking the top spot surprised me. I would have guessed Lite or Corona being in 2nd. But Modelo does have some great ads.

I get how that happened. I just think the whole thing is ridiculous and I don’t see it accomplishing much of anything long term. Businesses not endorsing the LGBTQ community isn’t going to make them go away or decrease their numbers and I have yet to hear any report of somebody turning gay due to a rainbow shirt they saw at Target. Not to mention the best way to get young people to embrace something is for older people to make it forbidden. So I guess enjoy the predictable massive backfire.
Some of the onslaught of Republican cancel culture I don't agree with but get why they feel that way. But 100% draw the line when it comes to being anti-LGBTQ hate/bigotry. These people are just living their lives and they are who they are, it was never an issue until these people got a bug up their asses about it for whatever reason. It doesn't harm or convert children and never has, it falls in line with the ideology that one can turn someone gay which is utterly ridiculous.

They're the party of personal freedom, keep your hands out of people's sexuality and reproductive systems.
I get how that happened. I just think the whole thing is ridiculous and I don’t see it accomplishing much of anything long term. Businesses not endorsing the LGBTQ community isn’t going to make them go away or decrease their numbers and I have yet to hear any report of somebody turning gay due to a rainbow shirt they saw at Target.

I agree it will not. But will someone who is LGBT stop buying from any company that doesn't go out of their way to embrace them?

Not to mention the best way to get young people to embrace something is for older people to make it forbidden. So I guess enjoy the predictable massive backfire.

Ironically, that works in reverse. When the older establishment start to embrace it, the younger generation move off of it. Think Facebook.
I agree it will not. But will someone who is LGBT stop buying from any company that doesn't go out of their way to embrace them?
Whether democrat or republican I think this is the right way to protest, just don't go after them with legislation for simply being who they are.
Not to mention the best way to get young people to embrace something is for older people to make it forbidden. So I guess enjoy the predictable massive backfire.

Ironically, that works in reverse. When the older establishment start to embrace it, the younger generation move off of it. Think Facebook.

That is exactly what ChewToy said, though – well, I mean, in complement. It is a well-established human behavior pattern: young people are simply contrarian by nature.

Why aren’t they prosecuting his laptop?!?! Corruption!

In related news Pence repeated the claim that the DOJ is biased against Republicans and gives Democrats a pass. Says the guy who also recently had classified documents and the DOJ recently officially informed him he won’t be investigated further. I guess I missed the news when he registered as a Democrat.
Latest strategy: sue the people studying disinformation, because they are infringing on R freedom of speech. The legal actions are frivolous and should be dismissed out of hand by any reasonable judge, but the cases that are allowed encumber fact checkers with discovery demands and subpoenas, making it harder for them to do their work.
So Durham's investigation really only yielded a tip that Trump was a criminal and should be investigated? LOL!
They had a problem with the Titan submersible because the company is too woke and did not hire "a bunch of 50-year-old white guys with military experience." Because, being middle-aged, white and ex-military is somehow mutually exclusive with "woke".
Never missing an opportunity to be complete hypocrites, in the case of Hunter Biden suddenly the Republicans are the party of gun regulations and rich people paying their taxes. :ROFLMAO:

It’s probably fair to say that their voters also won’t get the memo that the prosecutor was appointed by Trump and it would have been well within norms for Biden to replace him when he took office but he specifically didn’t because he was investigating his son and didn’t want the appearance of abuse of power.