The Trump Cesspool Thread- a place to drop misc Trump turds

We are back to what the meaning of "is" was.

(Individual-ONE's) (on-)crack legal team:
The Court should reverse the Colorado decision because President Trump is not even subject to section 3, as the President is not an 'officer of the United States' under the Constitution.
We are back to what the meaning of "is" was.

(Individual-ONE's) (on-)crack legal team:​
The Court should reverse the Colorado decision because President Trump is not even subject to section 3, as the President is not an 'officer of the United States' under the Constitution.

He’s also saying he didn’t really swear an oath to the constitution. Which wouldn’t matter if he did anyways, because the president is immune from… well, everything. When running, while in office, and beyond.

You see why this is a cult? What logical, rational person would go along with any of this? Trump and his lawyers are literally arguing Joe Biden has carte blanche to whatever the f*** he wants, including killing anyone who may decide to vote to convict him in an impeachment hearing. Give me a break.

The lawyers are part of the campaign and are taking his public campaign arguments into a court of law.

Alina Habba is shitting the bed everyday in court on basic issues. I’m sure the judge and other pros in the courtroom probably view her the way we view Trump. I would not be surprised if her 15 minutes ends the same way it did for Rudy, for Jenna Ellis, for Sidney Powell, Jeff Clark, John Eastman, Michael Cohen and so many others. The only difference is she has a funny name that Trump will make fun of once he’s done with her.

*Also, Trump has to be bleeding money. What happens if his campaign crashes and burns and he’s blown through all of the money on himself? Maybe the real reason these Republican assholes keep pushing this abomination is for a return on investment, which shows they’re as dumb as he is if that’s the case. You’d have better luck putting it all on roulette, or throwing it down the sewer, there’s at least a remote chance you’ll get something in return.

**ALSO Also - I repeat - we need to talk about his inane ramblings and frequent mental slips, which he arguably has more of than Biden.

Biden campaign is on it!


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So god will strike trump down?? they sure think god is dumb enough to believe trumps lies.

Christian Nationalist Bill Cook Says Those ‘Involved In Election Fraud’ Will Be ‘Struck Dead By God’​

Isn’t god the one who strikes all dead, in his world?

If he can give me a time and date that isn’t of his own making, I’ll be impressed. Until then, he may as well be calling for the rapture.
Isn’t god the one who strikes all dead, in his world?

If he can give me a time and date that isn’t of his own making, I’ll be impressed. Until then, he may as well be calling for the rapture.

It's coming. There are people practicing for the rapture as we speak.


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calling for the rapture.

And you get in your car and drive real far
And you drive all night and then you see a light
And it comes right down and it lands on the ground
And out comes the man from mars
And you try to run but he's got a gun
And he shoots you dead and he eats your head
And then you're in the man from mars
You go out at night eating cars …
Then when there's no more cars you go out at night
And eat up bars where the people meet.
OK, this (twitvid) is infuriating. He makes a firm assertion, or starts a firm assertion, and literally (in the literal sense of "literally") completes it with gibberish. WTELF? Why is this fuckwad getting air? This is not even dissembling, obfuscating or double-speak for which actual politicians are criticized. He is emphatically saying nothing, loudly, and not being strait-jacketed for it. I am incensed that this goes on yet.
Trump - "Presidents need complete immunity."

Also Trump - "We need to lock up President Biden."

Totally stable genius.

It is hilarious, and it only stops being funny when you realize there are people who say “Yeah, that’s right” with a deadpan face, because they are serious.

There is no surprise that evangelicals have a huge crossover with Trump. If you ever listen Matt Dillahunty, he frequently uses the Bible’s slavery (and lack of condemnation) of it as an argument point when he forces people to state their morals and what parts of the Bible they choose to accept vs. reject. Eventually, the theist will admit “well, then slavery is ok”. Even black Americans who are religious!

There is a deep psychological break in basic common sense when it comes to cult-like worship of anyone.
Well, you see, Joe the President is illegitimate, having illegally stolen the ShitGibbon's 2nd term, so he does not deserve any immunity.

in that case Trump should just pardon himself as he’s still the President and to use a legal term "times infinity" which will invalidate all future unhinged nasty person so unfair political hit job election obstruction witch hunts.
Well, you see, Joe the President is illegitimate, having illegally stolen the ShitGibbon's 2nd term, so he does not deserve any immunity.

Here we have a prime example of the break in reality the republican party has when it comes to this perpetual shit-stain on life, Donald Trump.

The party of small government, wanting to pass state legislation that allocates public taxpayer dollars for the private defense funds of a private mental eunich.

Tell Trump he is entitled to a public defender. As these rich asshats like to tell us, "There's nothing stopping you from sending your money to Trump".

Seriously, who would even have the grapefruits to say this? If these republicans get back into office, the Supreme Court is going to be busy as republicans just try to do whatever they can. "Oh, the president controls the military, surely he can divert American defense funds to his private accounts? Surely he can put government contractors to work for a taxpayer-funded additional wing at Mar-A-Lago?

Luckily, DeSantis has stated this is DOA, but how unreal that it would even be floated.
Here we have a prime example of the break in reality the republican party has when it comes to this perpetual shit-stain on life, Donald Trump.

The party of small government, wanting to pass state legislation that allocates public taxpayer dollars for the private defense funds of a private mental eunich.

Tell Trump he is entitled to a public defender. As these rich asshats like to tell us, "There's nothing stopping you from sending your money to Trump".

Seriously, who would even have the grapefruits to say this? If these republicans get back into office, the Supreme Court is going to be busy as republicans just try to do whatever they can. "Oh, the president controls the military, surely he can divert American defense funds to his private accounts? Surely he can put government contractors to work for a taxpayer-funded additional wing at Mar-A-Lago?

Luckily, DeSantis has stated this is DOA, but how unreal that it would even be floated.
If Trump gets elected, all of these clowns that vote for him will have a rude awakening. What you said above is for sure on the table, and I don't doubt that the Trump crime family will siphon out Billions. All while joe heartland six-pack lives will get worse. Who then will they blame?
Naw, PDs do really good work. They would end up getting him a pretty good deal or a walk. A PD would actually be competent, unlike the ones he stiffs hires.

He can just keep the crime spree going. Hire incompetent goofy f*cks to to do your legal work and break the law for you while trying to fight back criminal charges you face for conspiring with your last set of lawyers. This set of lawyers say (at least in regards to the J6 case) that Trump was just following advice of (his hand-picked to tell him what he wants) counsel.

So when this crew gets indicted for all of these frivolous filings, poor courtroom behavior and general lack of ethics (if they're not actually breaking the law in another conspiracy behind the scenes), he can use the same excuse all over again! "I was just relying on counsel!"
The head clown lawyer is up to no good. Delaying court for illness, then is out snapping photos at campaign events. One of their most ardent loyalists - a J6 instigator - was rewarded for his loyalty by being thrown out of the event.
