
My favorite of memes involving a cat's culinary critiques:

Not sure cats actually like Twinkies, so this guy might not be guilty but he's sure acting like it. And he's... plump!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1465438367970115589/
Cats should come with sound effects like in cartoons.

I think I have mentioned that Gismo is way more observant than a cat should be. Well last night we put them in the bedroom to keep them out from under our feet as we were rearranging the living room to put up the Christmas tree.

This morning when we opened the door Gismo ran out the door and you could almost hear his paws "screeeech" on the floor as he came to a dead stop when he noticed the room was different. šŸ¤£

It also reminded us of our departed Hummie. We came home from a vacation in one August to discover one of our cats had gone blind. Not totally, the vet though he could see large dark shapes. But when we rearranged the living room, he walked right into the end table. It was his last Christmas as he died the following February. :cry: But he did great being a "blind" cat.
My younger one (well, she's 11, but she only started slowing down from "hyperactive kitten mode" in the past couple of years) has a terrible life.

If ever you feel you're having a bad day, spare a thought for this poor little critter (excuse somewhat potato quality, was a photo sent via SMS from my partner)

Definitely guilty. Also have been know to tell one to go find his brother. šŸ¤£

The worst thing is when you take a cat to the vet but return with an empty carrier and that kitty is never coming back, and you can't explain this to your other cat(s). Happened to me in the city once when a cat expired enroute to the vet's. I had another cat at the time, and was also cat-sitting one for a friend who was in Europe. When I first came home and set the empty carrier down on the LR floor, the two remaining kitties just ran away to the bedroom. That's rule one for a cat ever spotting a cat-carrier: hide under a bed.

Then I guess they remembered that their buddy had been carted away in that thing a few hours earlier, so now they wanted to see inside. So I opened it. No kitty. Hmm...

And then they really started up. WHERE'S OUR BUDDY? They were relentless. I had to leave all the room doors and closet doors open for a week and a half until they finally gave up looking for their missing pal. The experience didn't do anything for me either, and by the time it was over I was crazy trying to explain to them, distract them, keep them from destroying my furniture... and I think by around the 10th day they were starting to realize they could troll me for better food, too.
The worst thing is when you take a cat to the vet but return with an empty carrier and that kitty is never coming back, and you can't explain this to your other cat(s). Happened to me in the city once when a cat expired enroute to the vet's. I had another cat at the time, and was also cat-sitting one for a friend who was in Europe. When I first came home and set the empty carrier down on the LR floor, the two remaining kitties just ran away to the bedroom. That's rule one for a cat ever spotting a cat-carrier: hide under a bed.

Then I guess they remembered that their buddy had been carted away in that thing a few hours earlier, so now they wanted to see inside. So I opened it. No kitty. Hmm...

And then they really started up. WHERE'S OUR BUDDY? They were relentless. I had to leave all the room doors and closet doors open for a week and a half until they finally gave up looking for their missing pal. The experience didn't do anything for me either, and by the time it was over I was crazy trying to explain to them, distract them, keep them from destroying my furniture... and I think by around the 10th day they were starting to realize they could troll me for better food, too.

Yes, its horrible. The wife had 2 cats when we got married. I had a dog. It ended up we had 2 cats and my parents had a dog. ;)

They were also litter mates she had brought home from Africa and they were inseparable. One got sick and we had to take her to the vet and she didn't come home. The other one looked for her for weeks. Finally got her a kitten and she went into mother mode and all was well.

Losing a pet is horrible. :cry:
Good things: being told that your 19 year old cat has "ridiculously good" blood test results in anticipation of required surgery to remove a cyst (small lump on her right rear leg) that burst and unfortunately hasn't healed properly and is causing an infection. Must be doing something right...

Definitely guilty. Also have been know to tell one to go find his brother. šŸ¤£
I do that as well. I have two that are biological brothers and they are the most bonded pair of cats I've ever seen. Totally inseparable.
The worst thing is when you take a cat to the vet but return with an empty carrier and that kitty is never coming back, and you can't explain this to your other cat(s). Happened to me in the city once when a cat expired enroute to the vet's. I had another cat at the time, and was also cat-sitting one for a friend who was in Europe. When I first came home and set the empty carrier down on the LR floor, the two remaining kitties just ran away to the bedroom. That's rule one for a cat ever spotting a cat-carrier: hide under a bed.

Then I guess they remembered that their buddy had been carted away in that thing a few hours earlier, so now they wanted to see inside. So I opened it. No kitty. Hmm...

And then they really started up. WHERE'S OUR BUDDY? They were relentless. I had to leave all the room doors and closet doors open for a week and a half until they finally gave up looking for their missing pal. The experience didn't do anything for me either, and by the time it was over I was crazy trying to explain to them, distract them, keep them from destroying my furniture... and I think by around the 10th day they were starting to realize they could troll me for better food, too.
Damn. Having to bring home an empty carrier would crush me. šŸ˜­
My cat did. Whenever she sat at the window watching the birds outside, let me tell you about sound effects.
When I first got cats I had no idea they could make this chirping sound. They can certainly make some strange noises!
I do that as well. I have two that are biological brothers and they are the most bonded pair of cats I've ever seen. Totally inseparable.

When I first got cats I had no idea they could make this chirping sound. They can certainly make some strange noises!

Ours are as well. Ying and Yang.

Yep, the open mouth cackle. Some sources say a cat can make close to 100 different sounds. Ours make 1 - "Feed Me".
Our cat is surprisingly vocal with us, more than any other cat Iā€™ve had growing up. Enough that weā€™ve started to pick up on what she means with some of the different noises. She even has specific noises for ā€œHello / I see youā€ compared to ā€œWhere were you? / Youā€™re backā€. Never had a cat before her that would ā€œnotifyā€ us when jumping up on the couch or bed, or jogging through the house to get to us either.
Our cat is surprisingly vocal with us, more than any other cat Iā€™ve had growing up. Enough that weā€™ve started to pick up on what she means with some of the different noises. She even has specific noises for ā€œHello / I see youā€ compared to ā€œWhere were you? / Youā€™re backā€. Never had a cat before her that would ā€œnotifyā€ us when jumping up on the couch or bed, or jogging through the house to get to us either.
Is it a beige cat with dark brown ears? We had to home my dad's cat, and not only did she vocalize a lot, but at 16, her voice was pretty rough. We hired her out to remodelers to loosen up wallpaper with that voice.
Iā€™ve also been known to egg on one cat to attack the other when they are having their playful cat fights.

I toyed with the idea of posting this over in the food thread ahead of the holidays, but it does belong here.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1464235267980673033/​

What a chonkers!
Is it a beige cat with dark brown ears? We had to home my dad's cat, and not only did she vocalize a lot, but at 16, her voice was pretty rough. We hired her out to remodelers to loosen up wallpaper with that voice.
We're pretty confident she has a good chunk of Norwegian Forest Cat in her heritage. No seal point coloration, just a tabby with some spotted patterning under the thick fur.

Sheā€™s more of a chirp and trill vocalizer.