Is that trained security, or rent-an-eyewitness style security? I can’t imagine private schools shelling out for the former unless it’s full of kids from rich families paying out the nose to attend.
But perhaps that’s the whole point.
Security, yeah. A fantasy designed to get us from one end of the day to the next. Useful, but ephemeral.
The whole point of anyone trying to maintain the income/wealth gap (and the power gap thus underwritten), is to distract and entertain the left-behinds as that latter group expands over time... and becomes more ignorant.
Ignorance among the masses is the very foundation of "security" for those engaged in keeping wealth and power corralled where it belongs, at the top.
You'd think though that to ensure against dangerous leaks of actual education, the DeFascist et al wannabes would throw in some bans against teaching subjects like arithmetic, mathematics, statistics and their softer sides, e.g. economics and political science. Simply banning books that violate fundamentalist (or just Victorian?) views of the proper order of things doesn't work any more.
Everything's out there on the net, and there's that occasional pesky and "dangerous kid with a library card" who starts looking for answers to stuff like why all people are equal but some more equal than others. Invariably this search leads to matters of... well, bread on the table. Wages for work. Labor law. Discrimination... yowza, ripples in a pond.
DeSantis and his mini-Trump pals will never catch all these inquisitive folk because most of them fly under the radar. There's nothing sexy or clickbaity about some kid reading a book about the conventional guiding principles of the market economy. But there she is, and boom, one of these days she pops out with a degree in finance and even worse, a hankering to go to law school, the uppity thing. No wonder the Rs are so opposed to higher education for everyone. Almost anything can happen when someone takes the bit in their teeth after learning how to read and use a search engine. And now there are digital library cards. Jesus Christ, the peasants are getting ready to storm the castle!
As for "security"... eventually in any society run
by the few for the few writing laws that apply only to the many, there comes a day when the only security is keeping a jet idling on the runway, as a presumed path to a safe and well heeled life in exile. That day heralds arrival of the situation implied by the phrase "no wall high enough".
We're not there yet. We still run newspaper articles about looting of "luxury" items like clothes and shoes during blizzards. Law and order must prevail, at least for common thieves. Why else have SWAT teams rolling out into villages to scoop up some pathetic meth dealer. After all, the real drug cartels must remain in the hands of players in the pharmaceutical sector of the marketplace that is properly managed by fintech, and enabled by laws written by the lobbyists who finance campaigns of our Congress critters.
We don't run articles (yet) about peasants storming the castles of mere millionaires like the ones supposedly serving us (for a paycheck ten times what most of us will ever realize). Sigh. Well when the era of castle-storming arrives, we'll probably see some fascist leader (congress will be long gone before then) finally telling the NRA to stick it. A bright idea is when the guy at the top of the heap finally gets it, even if by then it's too late.