Ron DeSantis: What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with him?

but polititions live and die by publicity. thats why this moron is doing this.
So what is to be said after such a law is passed talk, about it then? I understand what you are saying, but this is an elected official and party trying to turn Florida into fascist state. At what point is talking about it prudent? :unsure:
I never said Biden. ;) I said Dems. I know lots can be said about the GOP, but many of what are now called radical ideas, mainly because the media knows calling it radical will get them clicks, are the same things they have been championing for 30 or more years. The GOP against abortion, well that's not new. The GOP protecting guns rights, also not new. The GOP being against LGBTQ rights, being moderated some, but still not new. But now they are radical.:rolleyes:

And then there is the list of things Dems used to be against/for but have changed their stances. Things such as border security, crime, gay marriage, and the list goes on.

I look at it from the opposite side. Start putting those who are committing the crimes in jail. But when I would mention this before, it was because I was a racist that just wanted to lock up Black men. Sorry, but I don't care who gets locked up as long as it is those committing the crimes. I am all for background checks and Red Flag laws as long as Due Process is followed.

As for drag shows, if it were RuPaul, then who cares, but some of these shows are simply not appropriate for children. I really don't understand why the left is pushing so hard for kids to attend these things.
It is an accumulation of poison, especially when they are ripping up the Constitution and telling people they are not, lying their asses off about it, then they are radical.

Now the other half of the argument is that if we have a bunch of dummies electing poison, because they are gullible or selfish assholes who want their cake and eat it to, who if they bother to think that far, don’t realize that shredding people’s rights is a double edged sword, then collectively it is ordained, we deserve a shitty fate or a revolution. Ironically if it comes to a point where the house falls down around us, the same group of sinister losers will be trying to blame liberals for their own malfeasance.

The bottom line is that as a group we will sink or swim based on the integrity of the majority and if the majority is unworthy, so be it, philosophically I can easily say We deserved it.
As for drag shows, if it were RuPaul, then who cares, but some of these shows are simply not appropriate for children. I really don't understand why the left is pushing so hard for kids to attend these things.
Where on earth does this nonsense come from? Nobody. NO. BODY. Has ever pushed for children to attend drag shows. Perhaps some people are confusing drag shows with drag queen story hour?

And what, in your opinion, is the difference between a drag show and RuPaul’s drag race other than RuPaul’s contestants don’t sing?

And where do you cross the line? Halloween? Powderpuff football?
Where on earth does this nonsense come from? Nobody. NO. BODY. Has ever pushed for children to attend drag shows. Perhaps some people are confusing drag shows with drag queen story hour?

And what, in your opinion, is the difference between a drag show and RuPaul’s drag race other than RuPaul’s contestants don’t sing?

And where do you cross the line? Halloween? Powderpuff football?
It's as if they just make this stuff up and then push it, there is absolutely no evidence supporting that "Liberals are pushing children to go to drag shows", NONE. It's a strawman argument created by the right and something they're clinging on to for dear life with no basis in fact.

I'll just say that if they spent this same sort of fervor protecting children from being slaughtered by the same weapons they worship and then showed concern about drag shows I would at least consider their argument. But they truly do not care about the lives and well being of these children and it's heartbreaking.
Where on earth does this nonsense come from? Nobody. NO. BODY. Has ever pushed for children to attend drag shows. Perhaps some people are confusing drag shows with drag queen story hour?

And what, in your opinion, is the difference between a drag show and RuPaul’s drag race other than RuPaul’s contestants don’t sing?

And where do you cross the line? Halloween? Powderpuff football?
yep all made up
Good recent episode of The Muckraker podcast. Want to know where DeSantis is getting all his ideas, and by extension the GOP? Hungary. This isn’t some historical slippery slope to Nazi Germany. This is modern-day Hungary handing them the exact blueprints for modern-day implementation which the GOP ecstatically welcomed and asked for. Florida is their biggest test kitchen before they attempt to implement it nationally.

I don’t think you need much more proof of how sick and deranged the US has become. Think of all the other systems we’ve looked at outside the US on things like healthcare, guns, higher education, and housing. In the US each has been blown off or demonized as inferior to what we already have or impossible to implement. But authoritarianism? That we’ll welcome any help or tips from outside the US on how to successfully pull that off. That’s totally doable.
its all clustered together into one big ball of fear to keep people voting for the GOP. they haven nothing anymore but made up scare tactics. the whole woke thing is such a joke by definition Jesus was woke.

Give it time. Phyllis Schafly's son is working on repairing the bible so that it says what the RWers want it to say. Those hippie jesus parts will be excised or rewritten.
Exactly: the Bible, word of man pretending to God to fool and control fellow men and women catering to their prejudices. The words must resound with the target audience or it won’t work… :unsure:
Exactly: the Bible, word of man pretending to God to fool and control fellow men and women catering to their prejudices. The words must resound with the target audience or it won’t work… :unsure:
I can't see why they'd change it. As it stands, parts are cherry picked no matter what. Please, anyone, show me where Jesus was for guns and anti-abortion. He was all about "don't be a dick", but I don't see that too often.
Never mind in what, they're just #1. Got it?

On one hand, I don’t want to underrate Meatball Ron. But on the other, he’s grossly overrated. He could be a great moderate republican president. But he isn’t, and he won’t be. Just another guy who ignores racists, courts them with his “anti-woke” rhetoric, and can’t pretend to be “tough” when Trump has been poking him in the chest and he’s done nothing. These guys can talk a good game about blacks, Mexican and Southern Immigrants, LGBTQ people - yet when Trump drags their name through the mud, they act like they’re angels who just can’t bring themselves to say anything bad back.

He’s sucked up to all things Trump so much, how can he pretend to be a better president than Trump? His campaign ads the first time he ran for Governor were not ads for potential voters, but for Trump. So how can he then tell me he’s a better option? To do so, he’d have to say things like Trump handled COVID poorly, or that he caused January 6 and lied about a stolen election.

I don’t see DeSantis being brave enough or moderate enough to do any of those things. The right’s war with the truth is going to be hard for Trump’s opponents to overcome.
On one hand, I don’t want to underrate Meatball Ron.

Yes, to do so would be at your own peril.

He got the media and a former candidate for Governor pretty good this past week.

He made a video and in it he posted some pages from books found in Fl school libraries. As the video played, the networks had to cut their feeds because it was too graphic to be shown on TV. :eek:

I won't post or link it because the last time I posted a pic from a book (Gender Queer) found in an elementary school library it was deemed too graphic for the board. ;) But a quick youtube search for "Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks about book bans" should find it.

And then Nikki Fried (ran against Charlie Crist for the Dem nomination for FL Governor) posted a pic from the video and called it porn. Well, Sherlock, I think you just made his point.
Yes, to do so would be at your own peril.

He got the media and a former candidate for Governor pretty good this past week.

He made a video and in it he posted some pages from books found in Fl school libraries. As the video played, the networks had to cut their feeds because it was too graphic to be shown on TV. :eek:

I won't post or link it because the last time I posted a pic from a book (Gender Queer) found in an elementary school library it was deemed too graphic for the board. ;) But a quick youtube search for "Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks about book bans" should find it.

And then Nikki Fried (ran against Charlie Crist for the Dem nomination for FL Governor) posted a pic from the video and called it porn. Well, Sherlock, I think you just made his point.
If you think that's bad wait until you see what's in the Bible.