I never said Biden.

I said Dems. I know lots can be said about the GOP, but many of what are now called radical ideas, mainly because the media knows calling it radical will get them clicks, are the same things they have been championing for 30 or more years. The GOP against abortion, well that's not new. The GOP protecting guns rights, also not new. The GOP being against LGBTQ rights, being moderated some, but still not new. But now they are radical.
And then there is the list of things Dems used to be against/for but have changed their stances. Things such as border security, crime, gay marriage, and the list goes on.
I look at it from the opposite side. Start putting those who are committing the crimes in jail. But when I would mention this before, it was because I was a racist that just wanted to lock up Black men. Sorry, but I don't care who gets locked up as long as it is those committing the crimes. I am all for background checks and Red Flag laws as long as Due Process is followed.
As for drag shows, if it were RuPaul, then who cares, but some of these shows are simply not appropriate for children. I really don't understand why the left is pushing so hard for kids to attend these things.