The Democrat agenda 2022 and going forward

Heh... Anybody remember James Carville, Bill Clinton's campaign strategist and political pundit? Be prepared to be entertained in this video. There's some truth in what he's saying.

Heh... Anybody remember James Carville, Bill Clinton's campaign strategist and political pundit? Be prepared to be entertained in this video. There's some truth in what he's saying.

I don’t disagree, while I look at African Americans and our Youth and wonder if they think that sitting at home will show’m. It’s like poking yourself in the eye to prove a point… 🤔
Heh... Anybody remember James Carville, Bill Clinton's campaign strategist and political pundit? Be prepared to be entertained in this video. There's some truth in what he's saying.

Is Carville not famous for "It's the economy, stupid!" ?
Gee it must be nice... I am only a multi-dollaire, my winnings from getting the powerball number correct. 🤑

Give me back my tax dollars you lazy scumbag moocher!!

I know the conservative take on this will be it cost us $60 billion to retrieve $1 billion. But that’s only from 1,600 indiviuals out of a potential 24,480,000 millionaires in the US. There will be more to come.
With this increased scrutiny on the wealthy from the IRS I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that there isn’t a lot of original thought from these cheats and they use the same methods. They just didn’t get pursued for the longest time because the resources weren’t there and they knew it, or at least their tax person/team knew it. The higher up the wealth chain the more there’s a “we all do it” immunity assumption. I’m sure that’s one of the key reasons Trump is so pissed about his lost business case. Again, jackass, don’t run for public office if that’s what you are doing.
Harris and Walz are having their first joint campaign in Philly.

Energy is off the charts. Walz has a resume that literally takes a steaming dump on the grifters on the other side. Harris’ isn’t that bad either. And she did a hell of a job selling him to the middle - a gun owner, a teacher, a coach, a military man, someone who cares about kids and students.

Trump will probably be devolving into further madness over the coming weeks as his interviews tank and get bad press and his weird VP pick continues to sh*t the bed.

It’ll be close, Americans will have their say, but the contrast couldn’t be more stark.

Shapiro also had a good comment about Vance - he can’t be honest with Americans because he isn’t honest with himself. But, at least Vance has said he’s eager to debate Walz and not being a 🐔 💩 like Trump. That should be interesting.

*Speaking of that, Walz..
“That is if he can get off the couch!”

It was an incredible event. My favorite line, and it’s common but not said a lot in campaigns and underscores the seriousness of the race, was when Walz said “we’ll sleep when we’re dead”.

Trump’s phony public chemistry (or lack of) with his running mates was also glaring here. Having sane candidates goes a long way.
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And what particular thing was distinctive about that ship?
Come to think of it, if it does resemble a starship, it could be a sign from Q.

Here’s an article about the relationship between the Q of Star Trek fame and the movement we all love:

And what particular thing was distinctive about that ship?

I have to admit that for some strange reason it took me a while, but that was due to the fact that I associate Q more with TNG than Voyager.
Also, I was thinking about what was "distinctive" about the ship, which were several other things...