Tangentially related…
On Tuesday a new Star Wars novel Reign of the Empire: The Mask of Fear was released. It starts roughly two weeks after Episode 3 and deals with the beginnings of the Galactic Empire. I only managed to read the first four chapters so far, but here are a few excerpts from chapter 3.
From a discussion between two senators:
I can‘t keep up with it. Every day, there‘s some new edict from the grand vizier citing the Emperor‘s authority, judicial appointments no one asked for, an entirely new plan for this regional governor business… they‘re deliberately burying us in changes.
Some time later Mon Mothma recaps a list of things that have happened since the Empire has been proclaimed:
Grand Vizier Amedda‘s true Imperial citizens speech
Relief shipments to Cato Neimoidia held up
Replacement of Republic credits with Imperial credits
Renaming of Parnarosis 3 (because it was named after a Jedi master)
Chief justice administrator fired after eight days on the job
Spying on political enemies
The end of the war was a miracle, but the price of peace was growing. They‘d been an Empire for less than a month. How long would they be tallying the costs?
This mostly sounds eerily familiar. Trump hasn‘t replaced the money yet (although I bet he‘d like all dollar bills to have his face on them) and he probably hasn‘t spied on his political enemies yet (that we know of), but I‘m almost sure he‘ll try to instrument the FBI to go after his political opponents and everyone he doesn‘t like.
Everything else more or less happened in some shape or form.
I‘m pretty sure the manuscript for the book was finished months ago, so the only explanation is that author Alexander Freed and the Trump administration follow the same fascist playbook.
The only difference is: One is fiction from a galaxy far, far away; the other is bitter reality.